
Is the lack of any premove time penalty an exploitable flaw?!

I agree with gonzo, sometimes when I enter successful premoves, I still lose like 0.1-0.4 seconds per successful premove, Australia has pretty bad internet in general I think. That being said, I think if everyone had equal connection, the no time loss advantage would sort of cancel out and be fair anyway, so I wonder if that could be fixed/be compensated for as an alternate solution?

Although it's clear that WBM has good internet to be able to move quickly, he's also just highly skilled at premove skills in bullet, at anticipating the opponents premoves etc, I don't think its entirely an infrastructural advantage on WBM's part?
As a fellow Australian, I can also confirm this - my ping is usually up in the 700 region while playing, meaning I just have to avoid bullet altogether.

I actually like what they do on - you can make multiple premoves (which helps if you have a winning position but are low on time) but all premoves take 0.1 seconds.
Chessbase's premove system works the best in my opinion.
You can enter multiple premoves (one after the other) and if the other player does so as well, it will be a matter of who sets out the best plan.
If a player's plan is interrupted it usually means some time penalty, because he has to make new moves.
A lot of chess players I know really like the way it works on playchess/chessbase.

BTW premove arrows are also preferred.
#14 DutchPatzer, I 100% agree with you.
IMO it keeps the skill importance without stupid forced time loss.
> Even KC can't premove with no time lost. I just checked the first youtube video I found from KC and you can see he always lose time on premoves. Just see for yourself: (you can put speed to 0.25 to see clearer)
That is not actually realistic. YouTube shows less frames than you see on the screen when playing directly. Even if he does lose a very minute amount of time, it is compensated within a few moves. Hence comment #4.
I don't see how low frame rate from youtube has anything to do with it. You have a frame where the premove is set. And a few frames later the premove is made with times lost.
I watch and enjoy kingscrusher streams often recently and am now at my highest bullet rating :) cheers KC
KC has said a few times that the current format is enjoyable and addictive and I suspect if he did not dislike whybemad so much then this thread would not exist. I also think that it is an even playing field and is shown by the great skill n speed of hansen and gosu who have pings from canada. If it was unfair against lag then people further away from the server base (I assume its in France)would be suffering. I know from my games when I see my time is low and start to make 'time burner' premoves' and my opponent does not threaten captures or mates, i lose very little time. Everyone has this possibility so it seems fair to me.
#18 - Yes I may not like playing Whybemad, but when I do occasionally win, I am often in extreme elation.

The issue of me hating him or not is independent of the underlying issue to some extent, although also generally increase the hatred every time I am up on time from having a great position, only to then later lose on time increments maybe slightly each time as well as the potential elation if I did occasionally win a won position against him.

I feel this is a person exploiting the current setup and current issues which do not exist on at least two other major sites where there is a premove penalty time given.

When someone can spend 0 seconds for dozens and dozens moves, and yet not many other people can do this on the site, then it becames an uneven playing field - and one which also supports beserking to make it even more uneven - where the risk of beserking is far less than theoretically apparent.

In fact, I noticed from a chessbrah video recently where he was able to berserk, and then also wait 15 seconds, and proceeded to still nearly win the tournament. In the current premove implementation it seems that certain players with their setup are able to do something "super-human" compared to other players. A forced time penalty would make everyone "human" to some extent and if you earned a 15 second advantage and were say in Australia, and the opponent in the Server center, you could still win on time in theory if there was a 0.01 penalty or something for each pre-move.

Now you may say - oh he is a GM - and GMs do that - again keep the issue of playing strength and ability at playing bullet chess with premoves slightly independent for one moment. Chessbrah on stream last night indicated he was also in the top 5 at ICC which do have the enforced delay and I got the impression he wouldn't mind if there was such a delay here as well.

Hope this adds some other interesting information and context anyway.
Truth be told after looking at the youtube video, KC does seem a bit slow with mouse clicking.
It's just about enough time for WBM to make his next premove.

Any premove system will favor the one who is quicker in a time scramble. Nothing will change that.

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