
is Russia winning or losing?

Putin said they would win in a few days but for now it is 2 or 3 years an nothing new
Although European energy plans to replace Russia are failing, the USA also isn't as helping Ukraine as it used to
So who is winning
We're making progress 'cause another dictator is having more power close to China and Japan. ;-P
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@bfchessguy said in #2:
> We're making progress 'cause another dictator is having more power close to China and Japan. ;-P
The guy walking with a red button and a rocket pet? Oh yeah I know him, he is a close friend of mine actually lol
I need the entire background for both Russia and Ukraine to understand and give an opinion, because I don't want to say stuff about a conflict I don't know.
@sdkman said in #4:
> The guy walking with a red button and a rocket pet? Oh yeah I know him, he is a close friend of mine actually lol

Oh, you got love letters like 45th has?
@WassimBerbar said in #5:
> I need the entire background for both Russia and Ukraine to understand and give an opinion, because I don't want to say stuff about a conflict I don't know.

Aren't we all Monday QB-ing?
@four_legs_good said in #3:
> How so?
Switching to green energy sources will cost a lot, and is dependent also on weather, it isn't achievable as of now but rather as a long term goal I would say?
Nuclear energy and other providers
For the other providers they are going to use the opportunity naturally and have the prices rise which isn't in Europe advantage although nuclear energy might be the best solution
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no I think things leading to a draw more or less

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