
Is 1900+ blitz rating on lichess considered an above average player?

So how did you do? We want to know! What was your “real life” rating?? -)
ıf your lichess classical rating 2000 you maybe 1700 rated player ( candidate strong player)
ıf your classical rating is 2300 you maybe 2100 rated player you are strong player ( maybe you don't know some openings etc.)
ıf your classical rating 2400 you are master maybe
ıf your blitz rating 1910 you are 1670 rated player maybe
not 100% sure
lichess classical ratings overrated or underrated after 2400

Not true. Actually if you’re 3200 online bullet it means you are 1200 in “real” chess.

Get it right.

I mean in your case: what‘s the matter? @Kusokosla

Just comparing your ratings. Bullet is quite good, the rest where it comes down to chess? Seems a bit lower.


You mean my 1300 rapid here with 3 games, 2 of which I resigned out of curtesy to a 2500 IM after a coaching session is my real rapid rating with 2250 bullet and 2250 blitz? (Had 2250+ a few days ago in blitz, trying new openings, I’ll get 2300+ very soon) I hope you are not serious. Sometimes people are full of you know what, I hope that at some point you draw the line for yourself and realize that obviously I‘m nowhere near as low as 1300 in rapid. I beat a 1950 OTB friend of mine when I was 200 points lower on here too. I simply don’t play rapid here, yet. That IM I worked with has 1900 also rapid here, will you have some “wise guy” words for him also?

Come on, man, this is getting silly. You guys don’t like bullet because you are too slow and/or prefer slower games, that’s fine, but stop the hate.

In fact my profile makes a strong case for the opposite, my hyper bullet is a lot lower than bullet, this proves that faster time controls = harder = lower rating.


I mean, for real, come on, you don’t believe that I’m 1300 strength in rapid with 2250 bullet, you know this, yet for some reason you dig in and refuse to be honest.

*Shrug* Nobody cares.

I have nothing against bullet if people stay honest like "Ok admittedly, I am quite versed in using the mouse." But not few cheat on themselves and connect it somewhat with deep chess wisdom.

I mean most young strong chessplayers are good at bullet as well, sure. But if you're good at bullet you don't have to belong to the former category necessarily.
Sorry guys, studies were overwhelming a bit after the tournament but I finished fourth with 1 lost 1 draw and 4 wins :). My points are the same with 2nd and 3rd place but the buccholz tie break determines I'm 4th. I get to represent my university! Thanks for all the support prior to my tournament!

I use an iPad :)

My bullet and Blitz ratings are the same. Thou I just started focusing on blitz not long ago. After I get to 2350 I’ll switch to rapid and hyper :)

Honestly I feel no difference in strategy and chess understanding between bullet and blitz. It’s still little to no calculation due to lack of time, let’s be honest, 2 minute bullet or 3 minute blitz is really the same thing. 1 minute bullet and 5 minute blitz are almost the same thing. It’s just that you hate bullet so you post stuff about how bullet sucks. You need to justify it to yourself.

So, it appears OP did well with +4 -1? That’s impossible, we all know that since OP plays fast chess online he must be at most 1200 in this “real” OTB chess...

Those who talk of learning board vision, calculation, motifs by means of Bullet/Speed Blitz; well then, try to impress as well in

-otb (which the OP did actually, congratulations!)
-in longer games, rapid, classic
-the tactics trainer

If there is no evidence in those 3 points I conclude that there‘s little substance beyond playing chess egoshooter-style. Sorry.

PS: I play a lot of Blitz as well. But I have other references as well.

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