
Is 1900+ blitz rating on lichess considered an above average player?

Hi all, the topic says it all. Im having a real life upcoming tournament in my university and it's quite important to me. Since i dont have a real life rating, i would just like to know where do i stand. In another website, chesscom im rated around 1800 but dropped to 1700. I somehow cant win games there but i have better chances here for some unknown reason (maybe it's my mentality). I was able to defeat opponents around 1900 to 2100 (maybe im quite lucky). Sorry for the bantering, im just really anxious about the tournament
I would consider you well above average near the top 1`0% better then most of the players here that is for sure.
I would say a flat 1900 rating would equate to very slightly over the average club player tag in most chess clubs. This is based on my experience (UK) but rating pools differ from area to area. The main thing is not to worry about rating anyway and just play the tournament. There's no pressure or expectations on you in your first tournament.
Thanks for the replies guys, I just hope that nearing the top 10% better here also means that I'll do well in the upcoming tournament. This is an important tournament since getting top 4 will qualify me to represent my university so yeah pressure is kinda big
Online and OTB tournaments are two different things. You’ll likely play differently in one than the other. Additionally time control could be a factor- Have you been playing slower time controls online? Having to keep score (notation), remembering your press the clock, seeing the board 3D verses 2D, being in a different environment than sitting at home- these all can play a factor in performance.

It’s your first OTB tournament, just go and try to enjoy the experience. Don’t pressure yourself with pre-expectations of doing well. I’d practice the above by playing longer time controls, recording the moves by hand and using a real chess set to play out the moves to get experience with that. You may also like the Lichess 45+45 Team League or Lone Wolf league you help gain experience in longer time control play.

As you for present Blitz rating, you can see how you fare with the rest of the Lichess Blitz players on Lichess, but I’ll warn you that pool has a lot of casual players- many OTB chess players are more serious about chess and they are often better than the online pool you see- not always but I’d say average. For a personal example I’m 1603 USCF which equates to somewhere around 1500-1550 FIDE, and I’m 2100 in Blitz and Classical on Lichess. Ratings here don’t translate very neatly to other rating pools like OTB- so don’t go in expecting to be average or above average than the rest- go play your best and see how you do, then you’ll know how you might stack up OTB! Have fun.

I think that tens of thousands sub-club level players have to be added to the distribution/lichess population. So 90% of lichess is probably the same percentile as d50 (50%) of club players.
Not a bad rating if you care about online ratings. To be in the top 10 percent of all the players that play blitz here is legite.
Apparently if you’re 2700 bullet on here, it means you are 1200 in “real” chess :) But as far as personal experiences go, mine is different. When I was 2100 or under bullet on here I beat my friend OTB in longer games about 4-2 who is 1950 in this “real” chess stuff. And when I click on players’ profiles I more often than not notice their FIDE rating is exactly same as their bullet and blitz on here. But who cares... just do your best and try to improve, go and try! Make sure to practice a lot with a real tournament board, since it feels and looks different from the computer screen.

I would never argue with statistics, but remember, no statistic ever reflects on any one individual. Go smash’em m8!

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