
Breaking the Silence

@DmitriiPrevozniuk said in #213:
> @JoJoBonnette
> It is quite opposite. In fact, this way they will promote themself as the comunity that fights for what is right and blah-blah-blah. I would buy their stocks right now if it was possible.

To me, it's a complete joke.

If I hear about a sex scandal at Lowe's I don't stop shopping at Lowe's. You could if you wanted to.
It might bring a modicum of empty solace and feel good at the moment to smirk all cocky and self-satisfied like you're accomplishing something by standing up for Female Chess players and children... but all you're actually doing is taking away support from all USCF players.

It's not exactly cheap to play internationally so now the places for those players to get recognized becomes smaller.

If they at least left an open door to reestablish relations if certain conditions were met be one thing but that's not what Lichess is doing which is just plain stupid in my opinion.

I wouldn't consider it a good stock to invest when they don't even know how to make appropriate action with their business partners in a professional way. This decision was very short sighted and immature and not made by a level headed individual.
@JoJoBonnette said in #215:
> If they at least left an open door to reestablish relations if certain conditions were met be one thing but that's not what Lichess is doing which is just plain stupid in my opinion.

Where does it say this is permanent?
@JoJoBonnette said in #217:
> The title and prevailing article? Where does it say it isn't permanent?

However, in our opinion, both US Chess and STLCC have failed to demonstrate an important aspect of accountability – a willingness to acknowledge and address past shortcomings. We do not think that reconciliation will be possible without this acknowledgement.
@JoJoBonnette said in #210:
> punish who needs to be punished

I agree. I would say if an organisation that hosted events had received one, let alone multiple independent reports against one of their employees/ambassadors/representatives/members and that organisation did nothing, and more assaults occurred at their events, they would need to be punished.
@somethingpretentious said in #218:

That may read as indefinite to you but to me that suggests basically they'd have to do an unspecified song and dance until Lichess is satisfied which does in no way establish when they ever could reconcile.

Or rather if you read what they wrote "Do not think" so even if they did do whatever unspecified thing they'd want there's still no knowing if that would be satisfactory enough for them.

Like I said it just screws over the whole American Chess community instead of just punishing the correct individuals. It's foolish!
@JoJoBonnette said in #215:
> To me, it's a complete joke.
> If I hear about a sex scandal at Lowe's I don't stop shopping at Lowe's. You could if you wanted to.
> It might bring a modicum of empty solace and feel good at the moment to smirk all cocky and self-satisfied like you're accomplishing something by standing up for Female Chess players and children... but all you're actually doing is taking away support from all USCF players.

My bruh, this move is not targeted at us or basically any chess player. The main focus here is to get woke journos and influencers speaking about the situation. They will give a shitton of attention to this, posting stuff like "look, lichess is so good, valid, righteous and hecking awesome, go check them out!". Literally marketing lol. This will get more investments, partnerships and god-knows-what-else.
@DmitriiPrevozniuk said in #222:
> My bruh, this move is not targeted at us or basically any chess player. The main focus here is woke journos and influencers. They will give a shitton of attention to this posting stuff like "look, lichess is so good righteous and hecking awesome, go check them out!". Literally marketing lol. This will get more investments, partnerships and god-knows-what-else.

For one I don't believe it's woke for calling stuff like this out. I believe it's good to hold people accountable... but that's where I draw the line PEOPLE accountable.

Not the whole organization which supports thousands of chess players in a whole country. Could they have done a better job certainly but it was something that they addressed their own way. USCF and STLCC could have had more information and contextualization on the issue than Lichess to have them be ostracized for an indefinite and undefined period. This decision can only affect the greater American Chess community at large. It hurts more than it helps.

Secondly, if it was a woke move it still be ridiculous because Leftists notoriously don't have any money to spend on anything. So it's a net negative in that regard and it's not exactly like Lichess is the leading Chess website.
I'm all for punishment of men who act like that, but it is extremely sad to see organizations take drastic measures simply based on one party's allegations. I would even say, it's absolutely ridiculous. It shows an extreme lack of understanding of what the concept of justice entails. Imagine a court revoking someone's rights simply based on the allegations of one of the sides.

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