
anti (full tryhard) opening study

1 • vic2r •
  1. 1.nh3
  2. e3
  3. g3
  4. c4
  1. vic2r

least relevant rk openings

1 • vic2r •
  1. bd4, be4, kh3
  2. kh3, kb3, rg4
  3. nx, rx, bc1, kb3, rg4
  4. rk1440 forever
  1. vic2r

turkl s1 data and highlights

9 • vic2r •
  1. overview/ opening tree
  2. YJP - Original_King
  3. Royal-luka/sharp and difficult opening
  4. complex/ stuck endgame postion
  1. vic2r
  2. DrawingLikeAnish

åpning studie)

1 • vic2r •
  1. colle, e6 c5 (dyp)
  2. colle e6, Be7, o-o (dyp)
  3. nimzo e6 Bb4 nc6 (dyp)
  4. colle, cxd4, nc6, Be7 (dyp)
  1. vic2r