
Crazyhouse World Championship 2022 begins!

@Whitedancingrockstar said in #170:
> @Marlonc
> Why does this concern you?
> I didn't want to be shaming my opponent in the forum, so I just said we wouldn't be playing. Anyone with any sense would look at their profile and find out very easily why. Literally just click on the username I wrote. It amazes me that you didn't think of that.

Why does this concern me? Hmm. Either you didn't take the time to find out that I am one of the organisers of the CWC or it didn't occur to you to send/request a direct message to convey privately what you were reluctant to say publicly, so *by your own logic* that would make you someone with no sense. But let's keep this friendly, shall we? Like the other organisers I am a volunteer, and I'd rather not give up my free time to deal with condescension.
@TolekUmut said in #169:
> When should we play our losers bracket match with my opponent?

Whenever you can agree a time. The focus at the moment is on getting all the round one matches played, and the losers' bracket by definition is later in the competition.

You don't accept private messages on Lichess.
And your message in #99, despite tagging me, didn't notify me because Lichess doesn't like when someone mentions too many people in a comment. I understand you're a volunteer, and that's admirable, but if my message was deemed unclear to the organizers, I should have been messaged or in any other way contacted the first time it was seen by an organizer.

To not waste anymore of anyone's time, I am forfeiting my match, and the whole tournament. I'll find more joy watching than playing. GL to everyone.
@Whitedancingrockstar said in #173:
> @Marlonc
> You don't accept private messages on Lichess.
> And your message in #99, despite tagging me, didn't notify me because Lichess doesn't like when someone mentions too many people in a comment. I understand you're a volunteer, and that's admirable, but if my message was deemed unclear to the organizers, I should have been messaged or in any other way contacted the first time it was seen by an organizer.
> To not waste anymore of anyone's time, I am forfeiting my match, and the whole tournament. I'll find more joy watching than playing. GL to everyone.

Well, that's your decision. For the avoidance of doubt the whole point of the forum is that everyone can see how things are progressing. At times it is necessary to send DMs, but it's not how things are done as a matter of course because it's impractial in that the whole point of DMs is that what is said is between the correspondents. The question of whether a given user accepts new messages is easily circumvented by posting in the forum: as I said when I posted "it didn't occur to you to send/request a direct message". All you had to do was post "can an organiser please DM me?"
@Whitedancingrockstar said in #173:
> @Marlonc
> You don't accept private messages on Lichess.
> And your message in #99, despite tagging me, didn't notify me because Lichess doesn't like when someone mentions too many people in a comment. I understand you're a volunteer, and that's admirable, but if my message was deemed unclear to the organizers, I should have been messaged or in any other way contacted the first time it was seen by an organizer.
> To not waste anymore of anyone's time, I am forfeiting my match, and the whole tournament. I'll find more joy watching than playing. GL to everyone.

I can see that the challonge shows now that your round 1 opponent has been forfetited and that your username is moved to round 2 vs JannLee. This ends the misunderstanding, please reconsider your decision.
Two weeks ago I contacted my opponent but he has not responded yet for my round 1 match.

What is the ruling?
@Ieander said in #178:
> Hello!
> Two weeks ago I contacted my opponent but he has not responded yet for my round 1 match.
> What is the ruling?

First of all, thanks for being proactive!

Any first round match that has not been played or not even as a bare minimum scheduled is now overdue. According to the challonge your opponent is @ain69 who, I must say, has been an active player of late.

If it is the case, as you say, that your opponent has been unresponsive (and evidence such as screenshots will strengthen your case) and this state of affairs continues for a few more days then a decision will be made about a forfeit (and were a forfeit to be ruled then it would not be this year's first)

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