
Candidates Matches and Games

Great match indeed! Some opportunities missed and taken from both sides. Given no one ever got ahead by a margin of 2, the result of 5-5 seems fair.

Have recently released a video recording with commentary on YouTube:

Congratulations to TwelveTeen for securing first place in the candidates section with a game to spare!

The remaining places are still open to the rest of field. Good luck to all candidates for their remaining matches - play hard!
I hope the final match is JannLee vs. TwelveTeen, arguably the two strongest zh players in the world. However, the rest of the candidates are definitely not to be disregarded.
I actually managed to cover the first few games before I had to go. Obv it's not ideal that it cuts out after 20 mins, but it's better than nothing. Play starts at 1:05.

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