
1st Annual Crazyhouse Grand Swiss!

@Deadban said in #78:
> I mean, after the first game you said something along the lines of "do we have to play 8 of these?", so I assumed you were fine with not playing more.

Ah yes ok I remember, I did say something like that, you're right :D It's ok, it was a good-natured question, partly joking since the first game was 37 moves long and very spicy, I was wondering if I would survive for 8 games or if I would need a defibrillator afterwards...

But I really enjoyed our match despite losing 8-1, they were fun games, so it's all good ;-) The one win made the slaughter worthwhile xD

@h8kurei said in #80:
> Don't worry about it; it doesn't matter in this case. Just do it in future matches because in case where it affects the points earned it would be more trouble to go through than if you just played it no matter what.

Ok, will do sorry!
Hi, im available to play our match. When do you want to play
Hello everyone! 4 more days to play your matches if you have not yet!
Hello everyone,
I meant to post this yesterday but the time for January's match has now ended. Pairings will come out this weekend so be on the lookout!

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