
Round 1 Report : Classical Thursday Tournament - January 2022

Here are the games from round 1 :

E3Engineer v roflcopter11 1-0
sausjulian v jpmunz 0-1
hodjon v bigdata1969 0-1
clons87 v vger 0-1
jcss64 v denisbouchard 1-0

Thirteen players signed up and eleven were there for the beginning of the first round. Everyone that wanted a game got one. We are therefore already doing better than we have in the past dealing with no-shows.

As is typical in Swiss tournaments, the first round was relatively short and the results pretty predictable. The only game not to be won by the higher ranked player was between Jacques (jcss64) and Denis (denisbouchard). Denis has been complaining for a while that his provisional rating is inflated and Jacques did what friends do and helped Denis do something about the situation by playing his habitual Bishop's Opening.

Our youngest player, Julian (sausjulian - are you thirteen now Julian?) managed to get a significant development lead in exchange for a couple of pawns in his game against Jonathan but was unable to turn it into enough of an attack to compensate. I personally thought the best moment of the game came when facing a very tough position in the final stages of the game, Julian had the nerve to propose a draw. :) Jonathan declined the generous offer and keeps a perfect score in classical games on lichess.

In the other games E3Engineer faced roflcopter11's (sorry I don't know your names) Semi-Tarrasch and quickly accumulated advantages to win in just over twenty moves. Ron (BigData1969) avoided his usual aggressive opening and middlegame play and John was able to hold on only to lose in an endgame a couple of pawns down. Finally Codie (clons87) made an unfortunate early error which Patrick (vger) pounced on in a way that had me immediately thinking about Thomas Hobbes.

This tournament offers no prize money and the trophies are going to be even uglier than those in the lichess tournaments but for the purposes of pairing we still need to calculate scores. We give 1 point for a win, 0 for a loss and 1⁄2 for a draw. A player that is present but has to take a bye because there are an odd number of players gets a full point. If you let me know before the start of a round that you are not going to be available you will get a 1⁄2 point bye. 0 points for a no-show.

Here are the current standings:

1 E3Engineer (1953)
1 bigdata1969 (1946)
1 jpmunz (1929)
1 vger (1911)
1 jcss64 (1822)
1 datasmith (1753)
0 sonicfalcon (1903)
0 denisbouchard (1860)
0 perryand1971 (1724)
0 roflcopter11 (1515)
0 hodjon (1501)
0 sausjulian (1438)
0 clons87 (1418)

In the next round you will be paired with someone with the same score as yours (if possible). We will only be able to finalise the pairings though at 7pm Thursday when it becomes clear who is actually present. See you all then !


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