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33 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - Why did we get 0 points when we agreed to a draw before the tournament ended?#1 We agreed to a draw 3 seconds before the tournament ended. Why did we get 0 points each? We made 29 moves in the game, that's not enough to give us one point? Thi…

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Lichess Feedback - Very small window of the chat#1

Unfortunately I can't insert the picture of how the chat of the tournament is looking now, but I see only one line. Only one! The last one. I'm not sure I can u…

Lichess Feedback - Lost points because of server update#1 Server was updated, and when it returned, I saw that I lost the game and rating. That's not right.

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: to change a calculation of rating changes when berserk used#3

Sorry, but I don't understand your response. My rating in blitz is 2100 roughly. When I play berserk in blitz, I can reduce my rating to 1900 or even more. It's not a problem for me because I'll retur…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: to change a calculation of rating changes when berserk used#1

Rating has to reflect the chess strength of players. But berserk game is similar to game with leg-up, so when berserk is used, the calculation of rating changes should be changed or annuled at all. Yo…

Lichess Feedback - You shouldn't give a warning about a ban when losing by time caused by bad internet connection#1

Hi, I have sometimes bad internet, and therefore lose games by time. Then I get a warning that if I let the time running out, I'll get a ban. For example, here: This m…
