
Search "user:The_Shrike"

16 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Group trophies of the same type for a cleaner interface#11

@Lance5500 said in #9: > Some circumstances (mentioned above) of the posts of both topic starters seem weird as well. Also it's nice to make a suggestion before the proper research which is available …

Lichess Feedback - Group trophies of the same type for a cleaner interface#8

@PkGam said in #6: > The closest one to have that many trophies which is noted on that article is @papasi and doesn't have as many to cause the username overlap (yet). So you just so happen to have co…

Lichess Feedback - Group trophies of the same type for a cleaner interface#1

It would be better to group trophies of the same type when they exceed a certain number, with a badge showing the quantity, this is just ugly:

Lichess Feedback - Are the world championship matches in the lichess database?#1

Using tools > advanced search I cannot find them, is this normal? I thought that matches from tournaments that are broadcast were automatically imported.

General Chess Discussion - New Lichess+DGT App for Android and iOS#3

It looks great! I'll try it as soon as I can, it allows you to play on lichess with dgt even at shorter times than the integration on the site, it doesn't do anything not allowed by lichess does it?

General Chess Discussion - dgt board with virtualbox#2

I'm not familiar with arch, but can't you extract and use the .deb file?

General Chess Discussion - Play on Lichess using a DGT board#74

I got my dgt this monday, just in time, everything is working great, great job, thank you!

Lichess Feedback - Change to donations system#16

@thibault A yearly options would be great tho, more money for lichess and less money to fees

Lichess Feedback - Change to donations system#13

#10 yep, I like the glorious patron icon, but at the same time a large donation is better than many small donations every month due to the fixed costs per transaction

General Chess Discussion - Lichess patron#6

So, it's better to donate $12 one time instead of $1 each month for a year, correct?
