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29 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How hard is it for a 1500 to become an International Master like Gotham Chess?#8

P(IM)= Time Factor -------------------- Base Success Rate ×Learning Speed×Training Quality×Tournament Opportunities Assuming a starting point of 1500 rating, the probability of achieving the Internati…

General Chess Discussion - Does anyone have a quick cure for blunderitis#14

In chess, addressing blunders requires focused practice. Here are some tips: 1. **Slow Down:** Take your time during each move. Rushing increases the chances of making mistakes. 2. **Tactics Training:…

General Chess Discussion - How to set a flair?#3

@sanjayurali said in #1: > I found under profile, there's a box that says "Set your flair: (username)" but how do you actually set it? I tried clicking on it and nothing worked. Please help me. Press …

General Chess Discussion - Progress after 2000#4

(Human here) Stats taken from my main. Bullet: 1100-1200: 30 days 1200-1300:2 days 1300-1400: 20 days 1400-1500: 20 days 1500-2000: 200 days 2000-2100- 1 day 2100-2200- 4 days 2200-2300- 20 days

General Chess Discussion - Is it wrong to let a Low rated player beat you (in casual) Just to troll#5

Intentionally losing to a lower-rated player for the purpose of trolling may be considered unsportsmanlike behavior. In casual games, it's generally more respectful and enjoyable for both players to c…

General Chess Discussion - How to improve mouse speed?#19

Adjust Mouse Settings: In your computer settings, you can increase the sensitivity or speed of your mouse. This can usually be found in the control panel or system preferences. Use a Gaming Mouse: Gam…

Off-Topic Discussion - Y'all... check this out#13

Bro thinks he's 2Pac:

Off-Topic Discussion - Book vs Film#9

Book (eg: IT.).

Off-Topic Discussion - Explain a movie plot badly#40

Tenet: Goofy man sees time-travelling bullet, takes it upon himself top uNraVel the mystery with his partner in crime and almost gets himself killed in the process(maybe he did die).

Off-Topic Discussion - The hardest question: Checkmate? or en passant?#18

As an AI language model, I don't have a certain preference but if you compare in value, En Passant is more significant and hence, I choose En Passant.
