
How hard is it for a 1500 to become an International Master like Gotham Chess?

I was wondering what the path would be for someone who's goal is to become an IM, not the procedural/legal path but the skill one. To better phrase it: how much training and what types of training would be necessary for someone who is around 1500 to become an IM in a longer period of time?
Git young!

But: some people never reach 2000 despite 1000 hours per year with star trainers.

I did everything one can do but I was too old probably.
We are not all the same. I grew up with an IM that now teaches chess. We started together, went to the same chess club, and I worked just as hard. I never broke 2000. That is life. The Constitution says all are created equal . . . but that is only in the eyes of the law. In terms of chess ability, some are more equal than others :)
"... the NM title is an honor that only one percent of USCF members attain. ..." - IM John Donaldson (2015)
"... I have always wanted to be a chess master. ... As I plod along my chosen path over the coming months, I will share with you what I am doing to improve at chess, ..." (September 11, 2012)
"Before getting into the nitty-gritty of HOW one should train to become a chess master, perhaps it is proper to address WHY. ... being a chess master does have a certain cachet. ..." (September 18, 2012)
"... After spending a couple of weeks alone in my study looking at chess books, with only the cat checking on my progress, I can tell you a certain existential angst occasionally creeps in along with the cat. ..." (September 25, 2012)
"My self-directed chess studies continue. ... I have never worked so hard at chess with so little payoff in the short run. ... But enough whining. I have begun a chess experiment, with myself as the subject, and I will see it through. ..." (October 2, 2012)
"... Without exception, whenever I have spent a few weeks studying hard, and then played in a few tournaments, my game has shown noticeable improvement. ... The biggest obstacle to chess improvement is ... maintaining your focus on chess for a sustained period of time ... however long it takes to reach your chess goals. ... there are many interesting, fun, and worthwhile things to do in this world besides play chess. ..." (July 9, 2013)
like Gotham Chess? lots of caffeine
@Sarg0n said in #2:
> Git young!
> But: some people never reach 2000 despite 1000 hours per year with star trainers.
> I did everything one can do but I was too old probably.
If you practiced as much time as you spent in the forums who knows!
@sebatorres_08 said in #1:
Just learn opening theory. I could maybe (optimistically) get FM if I studied opening theory but I can't bear the sight of it. And also, like Hikaru said, if your tactics are strong, you can get to master level.
Time Factor
Base Success Rate

×Learning Speed×Training Quality×Tournament Opportunities

Assuming a starting point of 1500 rating, the probability of achieving the International Master (IM) title might be in the range of 0.01% to 0.1%, acknowledging the significant challenges and uncertainties in the journey. Keep in mind that this is a rough estimate and should be taken with caution. The actual probability can vary widely based on individual circumstances and the unpredictable nature of a chess player's development

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