
This site is moderated by Russians. They abuses Ukrainians

@WildTiger said in #19:
> I believe we should honor the memory of people who were killed in Donbass from 2014 to the present day.
> From 2014 they were the first victims of the terrible war against Ukraine.
> 2014 changed everything.
> Ukrainian people didn't want to be controlled by Russia anymore.
> The current Russian government started the war against Ukraine shortly after the revolution in 2014.
> They created "civil war", in fact the first phase of their war against Ukraine.
> Weapons of the "separatists" came from Russia.
> Leaders of the "separatists" were controlled by Russian secret services.
> The propaganda machine started to work full speed and the lies about "genocide" and "Nazis" appeared.
> If the current Russian government haven't started the war against Ukraine in 2014, there would be no suffering in Donbass.
> People wouldn't be forced to leave their homes, people wouldn't be killed and wouldn't lose their dear ones.
> Almost nobody in the world would care about Zelensky.
> Mariupol would be a city full of life.
> Around 100 000 Russian soldiers would be still alive.

Sadly Ukraine was never controlled by Russia, Ukraine history has only been as a puppet to either Russia and not having conflict or being a puppet to the USA.
@Glaxow said in #1:
> I complained on ibuklin. This player wrote me abusive messengers. You know about a war between Russia and Ukraine. And ibuklin wrote to Ukrainians in personal messengers that they are stupid and the same things. I wrote to moderator, complaining on abusive behavior. But ibuklin sent me a message where he repeated abuses that I wrote to the moderator. So the moderator and ibuklin are the one person. How do you like it , gentlemen? The site is controlled by Russians who abuses users from Ukraine.

First of this website is not controlled by Russians... Second admins will not respond to everything... Do you think 19 people can respond to 200,000 active users with bullying or war propaganda problems? or these threads about the war? It's not possible.
@Rommas said in #11:
> Предполагаю, что если некий игрок и писал оскорбительные месседжи, то исключительно в ответ на бред, который несут наши "незалежные друзья".
Что тут предполагать? Я здесь выложил все, что написало животное. Я ему ничего не писал в ответ. Он выиграл у меня партию и моментально стал присылать оскорбления в личку, я ему не отвечал.
По остальным пунктам писать не буду, потому что бесполезно, видно невооруженным глазом, что в голове пропаганда.
@Glaxow said in #23:
> Что тут предполагать? Я здесь выложил все, что написало животное. Я ему ничего не писал в ответ. Он выиграл у меня партию и моментально стал присылать оскорбления в личку, я ему не отвечал.
> По остальным пунктам писать не буду, потому что бесполезно, видно невооруженным глазом, что в голове пропаганда.

Конечно, бесполезно.
Писаниной заниматься вообще бесполезно.
Конкретно тебе - полезно ехать на фронт и воевать.
А все эти сопли в интернетах разводить, как маленькая девочка - это никому не поможет, это пустое.

Ты почему делом не защищаешь свою "незалежность", дружище?
Боишься? Старый? Больной?
Или надеешься, что кто-то придет и защитит тебя?
Кроме русских, никто не придет, уверяю тебя.
Хорошо еще, если более-менее цивилизованные солдаты придут.
А могут ведь и сидельцы прийти.
В Соледар вот пришли прямиком из русских тюрем.
Маньяки, убийцы, разбойники со сроками 15-20 лет.
А уж зеки в России никогда не закончатся, сам знаешь.
@MsBlackBear said in #22:
> First of this website is not controlled by Russians... Second admins will not respond to everything... Do you think 19 people can respond to 200,000 active users with bullying or war propaganda problems? or these threads about the war? It's not possible.

This user's profile has now been deleted. But the question remained. How did he read the text of my complaint to the moderator? After all, he sent me repeated insults with exactly the words that I indicated in the complaint. Either he is a hacker who climbs the site wherever he wants, or he is one of the moderators, or one of the moderators sent him the text of my complaint. I don't see any other options. In any case, it's good that the site responded to the complaint, and thank you for your response.
@MsBlackBear said in #21:
> Sadly Ukraine was never controlled by Russia, Ukraine history has only been as a puppet to either Russia and not having conflict or being a puppet to the USA.

Congratulations! This wins my inaugural Hearst Yellow Journalism award for "Most Batshit Take on Historical Events".
@MsBlackBear said in #21:
> Sadly Ukraine was never controlled by Russia, Ukraine history has only been as a puppet to either Russia and not having conflict or being a puppet to the USA.

Уважаемый, просто учите историю. Книги читайте.
Территории, которые вы называете "Украина", с 1654 до 1991 года были не просто под влиянием России, они были её частью, точно такой же, как Сибирь или Урал.
Это было и при царях, и при императорах, и при коммунистах, на протяжении более 300 лет - гораздо дольше, чем существует США.
@Rommas said in #14:
> Или кто-то у вас думает, что русские - это такие безответные терпилы?
Да, ето так.

Dude is proud that there are so many convicts in russia so they can be used as slaves and cannon fodder at war endlessly. Wait until those criminals become deputies in duma and decide how you will live, dude. (Although, it would barely differ from what you already have in your country of slaves now).
Please, tell us a couple of facts from the history of Ukraine in the 18th and 19th centuries. Who ruled Ukraine at that time, what wars it took part in, what international agreements it signed, etc. Ukrainians, tell us the truth!

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