
Black Looting Matters

Technically, that wouldn't make him any less capable at his job, just a terrible person. Kevin Spacey's acting performance in "American Beauty" remains brillaint despite the scandals regarding his personal life.
The "Resisting Arrest" part is why blacks are more likely to be shot. not the "Skin Color" part. If black people resisted arrest at the same rate as white people then black fatalities by police would drop to the same / very similar per capita rate as whites.

There are 4 main reasons (There are more) I believe why black resist arrest rates are much higher than other races.

1) Three strike rule from the 1994 Democrat crime bill. 3 strikes and your out, 3rd time many of them go down swinging.

2) The very high rate of single mothers in the black community caused by excessive use of Democrat welfare programs.

3) Democrat-run MSM pushing a narrative that black people are being murdered by police. This raises fear in blacks of police and they are more likely to resist because of this. That causes tons of friction.

4) "Gangster Rap Culture". Songs like fuck the police, and that sort of "Thug mentality". General disrespect of police and authority in general.

His degree is in "Economics", and not "Criminal Justice".

Although he is an expert in the field of Economics that does not mean he knows his ass from a hole in the ground about criminal justice.

The paper from the sexual abuser that was shared with me is the equivalent of a paper about "Heart Disease" written by a "Rocket Scientist". Rocket Science has nothing to do with heart disease.

Had his paper been about something related to socioeconomic differences between the races it may have some merit, but that is not the case, and thus it's not a reliable and creidble source. Here is what it even says about the mans personal life:

He "courted her by betting a dinner date on whether he could find evidence that smoking reduces cancer; to her dismay, he sent her a report from the tobacco lobby."

Seems like a con man to me.

i sincerely hope that this topic will be shut down soon so nobody accidentally has to click on it and try scanning for reason in it.
i smell trolls and altright opinions and i do not like it.

to proof trolling i want to quote this from 2 posts above:

"4) "Gangster Rap Culture". Songs like fuck the police, and that sort of "Thug mentality". General disrespect of police and authority in general."


It is also funny how you are hating against the democrats repeatedly, even though Trump is the source of the most hate in your country not just by a mile!
The paper uses econometric models to estimate and analyze statistics. The fact that he has a degree in economics, as well as having received such prestigious awards as the John Bates Clark award, actually grants the paper a degree of legitimacy (although, to be fair, it is not exactly a great paper by any stretch of the imagination.)

It's pretty ironic that you keep discrediting the paper when, had you actually read it, you could have strengthened your anti-BLM stance. "The most granular data suggest that there is no bias in police shootings" is a direct quote from the conclusion.

Reason can often feel uncomfortable to unreasonable people. I understand that your side of the alley likes to shut down discourse especially when they can not make a solid argument to defend their case.

Alright, trying to call "proof trolling" as if this is such a thing.

Nice caps lock you got going there because shouting makes a better case.

I never claimed that black people were the only people to listen to or write rap music. Simply that they are more likely to than other races. I'm sure there are a fair number of black people that listen to country music, but that is more of a white thing.

"General Disrespect of authority" based on skin color. Are you friends with any school teachers? Black students are far more likely to act up in class than other students. Of course the obligatory "Not all". As I am talking "Bell Curves" here not the entirety of a population. Also, by your logic does this mean that many teachers are all of the sudden racist because they give more detentions, suspensions, and expulsions to black students?

I could say something like "Men are physically stronger than women." And that's not sexist or untrue. Men are physically bigger and stronger than women on average... "BUT I KNOW A BODYBUILDER WOMAN THAT CAN LIFT MORE THAN MOST MEN" I'm sure you do. That doesn't change the averages though or the bell curve.

"Trump is the source of the most hate in your country", Is he now? That is one perspective on it and I can see how you came to that conclusion. Here is the thing though. I noticed you are from Germany... So perhaps I will put this one in your wheelhouse. By your very same logic, Jews were the source of most hate in Nazi Germany. Jews got a whole lot of "Bad press" to say the least in Nazi Germany. Does that make Nazi Germany right about Jews?

Using an econometric model makes no difference in that is the fact that these sorts of models were not really designed for that function, and his lack of expertise in criminal justice truly makes his model prone to logical error. I'm sure the man is brilliant. I compared him to a rocket scientist. That does not mean he is brilliant at this particular topic, and he has no credentials at this particular topic. The man has 0 "Criminal Justice" experience except on the receiving end of sexual harassment lawsuits and termination.

It would be about as credible as a book on poker written by Magnus Carlsen if Magnus Carlsen molested numerous women.
There is no logic error in the model from what I can tell. Potentially a type I statistical error, and there is definitely some variable omission bias, but no evidence of logic error from my cursory scan of the paper.

I am not sure why you are so insistent that a Criminal Justice degree is necessary in order to analyze data. The point of the paper is to evaluate whether race is a statistically significant estimator of the occurence police action in the US. Criminal justice has nothing to do with it.
Hey @lurarose you make excellent points. Just wanted to thank you for highlighting these common-sense arguments against the BLM political movement. No one should be under the illusion that it is anything other than politics, and demagoguery. I believe that the antics of BLM ultimately takes us further down the path that the much venerated (in some circles) Enoch Powell, prophesied in his infamous Rivers of Blood speech.

Lichess, had my regular (albeit small) donation until they made this announcement. If I wanted to donate to a political organisation I would, but I don't.

I'll instead be donating elsewhere, to an organisation that will actually focus on promoting chess, and I'd suggest anyone with similar irritation at this politicization do the same with any donation they currently make to Lichess. I'm still looking for more causes, but this organisation caught my eye past.

Perhaps if Lichess actually cared about promoting chess and they also wanted to help black people, they would be highlighting organisations like Chess in the Slums instead of the looters at BLM.

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