
Black Looting Matters

@lurarose your opinion is just your opinion. It is not based on anything factual. You have no idea what I "see" except my belief you are just trolling.

If I have misstated your opinion, correct me. You are in favor of a group named "white lives matter" that acts like black lives matter but for white people? You are a white supremacist yes? Or am I incorrect in this assessment and you disagree with such a group.
Lurarose you're spot on. Thanks for taking the time to speak truth to people--whether or not they accept it is irrelevant. Some of us out there have common sense and reason. We have truly entered into a time where a marriage of George Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World seems to be right around the corner. Parents have bombed at rearing thinking people of character and hell on earth is the price has to be paid.

Here's a methodology for success that those claiming lack of "privilege" should adopt:

1) Don't have kids while you're young and out of wedlock.
2) Finish school and develop a good work ethic. Seek to improve your opportunities.
3) Don't commit crimes, do drugs, and over indulge in alcohol or hang out with people who do.

Follow those and one's chances of bettering their circumstances in life improve exponentially.

It's not the dreams you dream, its the choices you make. Personal responsibility is the name of the game. Don't make excuses.

What we see happening in the streets is just a demonstration of total depravity of man run amok and has nothing to do with racial injustice. Make no mistake, these past two issues, Covid and BLM are just political fodder used by a hijacked media and their cohorts to destroy a great nation and further a power grabbing agenda for extreme leftist causes, and frankly I have zero tolerance for its idiocy.

I'm not a racist, nor do I feel it necessary to feel guilty for my skin color or my success which occurred from my work ethic and frugal living. No one gave me anything and everything I have I scratched it out of the dirt. If anyone wants something in life, quit stealing from others and go out and make it happen for yourself.
@lurarose. Once again, you are putting things straight into my mouth.

I just said skin color is a factor. That is true. Period.

I agree that a black grandma is less likely to be shot than a white junkie. I never said that is false. You are making up what I have said.

But I ask you. Who is more likely to get shot, a black or white junkie?

All other things being equal they would likely have very similar odds of being shot with little or no noticeable difference.

If neither resisted arrest and were fully cooperative with police the odds of police hurting them would be negligible.

If both attacked police the odds of police beating the shit out of them or possibly killing them is great.
" Black subjects shot by police
were more likely to be shot during encounters that began with a traffic or pedestrian
stop. They were no more likely to be armed
with a gun than whites but less likely to be
armed with any weapon"

What does this figure say about likelyhood of resisting arrest?

Also, Harvard is not the most reliable source when it comes to issues of race. They have been tangled up in litigation when it comes to racial discrimination.

Of course, they won the suit because you know.. Harvard has billions of dollars and Harvard educated lawyers defending them that really know how to work the system.

The decision will likely be appealed and go to the supreme court.
@lurarose. Did you read even like the first page? Cops harass and frisk them, they are more likely to resist. It is a perpetuating cycle. You claim you aren't racist, yet when you YOURSELF point out that African-Americans are more likely to resist arrest you refuse to believe that race is a factor. Are you calling African-Americans criminals?

What source do you want me to use?

That guy whose harvard paper you are quoting...

In 2019, Harvard suspended him for two years without pay after substantiating that he had engaged in "unwanted sexual conduct toward several individuals."

Great source you got there.

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