

Just voted I personally believe it should be removed, even in he cheated or not. Everyone deserves a second chance. I have seen cases where people cheat in a few games but not in all of them. This could be the case. Not accusing him of cheating, just stating a possibility. And @mysterious_expert, have you thought of the fact that he could've been removed to a different reason other than cheat?

If you report a player, you don't always have to say they cheated.
Is this another thread where people with little or no information try to discuss with the people who have the hard facts, the real (meta) data? What do you have as an evidence except for your feelings?

Everyone gets a second chance - with a new account.

This isnt a democracy. People shouldnt get unbanned because a bunch of goofs voted him not to.

He was caught using a engine. Period.

The idea that you say
" checked some of his games and he made mistakes and blunders"

Seriously though?

Its common knowledge that many engines are set to make blunders and mistakes to avoid detection....I'd expect that statement from a rando 1500 like me...but a LM? Rlytho?

This same nonsensical crap happens every so often when a top tier player finally gets caught. Look at the Atrophied thread. Look at the Aswer thread. Etc.

Heck here's the atrophied thread; everyone SOOOOOO positive he didnt cheat. I KNOW HE NOT A CHEATS....until atrophied himself admits it rofl.

Get this through your heads:
You have absolutely NO IDEA what is going on behind anyones computer monitor except your own. Lichess does not ban people willy nilly. They have detection methods not known to us plebs; and he triggered something. They wont tell us what; because then a engine could be made to avoid it. So yea....

Common sense is no longer common :l=


So; do you cheat in games every once in a while? That how you got on the leaderboards?
Cuz if they start giving 'second chances' to people ...then why wouldnt everyone do it; if we are just gonna get forgiven.

No. A million times no. Again; this same stuff was brought up with atrophied. Give em a second chance!
No. In what world would it be beneficial to to allow a known cheater a second chance?
It would only hurt their reputation; which was already damaged by having a cheater masquerading as a top tier player.

@Sarg0n Good grief. Its music to my ears...or I guess my eyes; to see some logic in a sea of madness.
When I look up the profile of @wildchess04 I see some forum entries in the thread „chess“ but cannot see the postings there on-site.

If they are hided from the public it‘s some sort of glitch!?
People simply say "oh just check his games to see he doesn't cheat."
Blunders and mistakes validate nothing considering you can still be cheating and make intentional mismoves in attempt to cover it up, the detection systems in place are designed to see through that.

Just stating what's obvious bcuz fools don't think.
My God! What a post!
Just a question, How old are the posters?
It looks like a post on a League of legends forum more than a lichess post.
I agree with @sicknsolo . Making a decision just by looking at someone's games and his blunders doesn't mean he didn't cheat.....Maybe this is a reason sufficient for Lichess not to remove the ban tag from Wildchess04.....
Adding on to @NM Titus I think there could be many people who are good at rapid and classical but are not good at bullet there are some Cms I c that have 1700 bullet rating but the bullet rating part I can argue but I don't think wildchess04 cheated cuz he made studies n other things

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