
What is chess for you?

To me, chess is a boxing match but with little wooden pieces. They fight and fight but no one ever makes physical contact. In the end, one of the chess players has a situation where the king can't move anywhere, or he would be in check, and it's over.

But some other stuff could happen and could be chess. (ahhh I just love Jack Handy lol)..... I don't know why ... it gets me so much, heh.
An excellent game that anyone can have a go at, i'm still waiting and hoping for the time when i can actually PLAY ! .

Yes, this was a spontaneous profound outburst.
Queen's job in chess:
To slaughter the opponent king, and tell the knights and bishops,
"Learn to respect royalty"
@davidovv said in #40:
> In the end, it's merely like poker; luck. By no means the most skilled players do win.
A clear indication that you aren't made for chess. And dear, it is no luck rather it depends on intelligence.
You may move on from here and play poker, gambling, etc instead where only luck has say.
@davidovv said in #40:
> In the end, it's merely like poker; luck. By no means the most skilled players do win. The ones who crash the least mentally - and we all do - will be on top. Fun game it is, chess. Outcome or results: roling the dice. No more, no less. Enjoy nevertheless!
I'm assuming this is purely satirical... or, perhaps I'm hoping it's satire. If it's satire, I find it comical; if not satire, I couldn't disagree with you any more than I do.
@jknight33 said in #45:
> I'm assuming this is purely satirical... or, perhaps I'm hoping it's satire. If it's satire, I find it comical; if not satire, I couldn't disagree with you any more than I do.
Yeah, only if he is joking then ok else he is completely wrong.
@ Akbar2thegreat said in #46:
> Yeah, only if he is joking then ok else he is completely wrong.
Is it? While a lot in chess depends on your abitility to calculate and memorize, there's still the element of luck. And while I think that in the majority of cases the better (or at least better prepared) player wins, there's always the chance that you get lucky, be it through an illegal move, a one move blunder or - in case of online chess - a mouseslip. Now, while all these things are both skill as well as luck based, I think that #40 isn't completely wrong. However, being not completely wrong doesn't make it right: As #40 presents the case, it sure sounds like everything in chess is luck based (more or less immediately contradicted in #40, I might add) which is not true (or is it?). You can not compare a dice roll with the game of chess - at least in most cases you can not.
Old days- To me chess is a game in which people move dead wood on another piece of dead wood.
Now- To me chess is a game of moving plastic on plastic which was never alive in the first place.
Assume a normal chess game with literally no issues, in that case what would you say?
Luck is a factor in sports I agree but it is greater in shorter format of game and very less in longer format of game.
@ Akbar2thegreat said in #49:
> @ george_mcgeorge
> Assume a normal chess game with literally no issues, in that case what would you say?
I would say that someone is using stockfish, as only the top players and engines are that strong that they could play a chess game with literally no issues.
> Luck is a factor in sports I agree but it is greater in shorter format of game and very less in longer format of game.
With this however, I agree. Well, I guess luck is a lot more complicated like when you are sitting at a chess board and you are the unlucky one who has to face that person that is very good at chess.

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