
One Letter or Number You Really Like

For me, It is Z because zzzzZzzzzzZzz
Letter or Number
Also, please explain why you like that number or letter
@krishnaWarade2010 said in #1:
> For me, It is Z because zzzzZzzzzzZzz
> Letter or Number
> Also, please explain why you like that number or letter

Lol Zzzzz noice
I like the number and letter, e. I like it because, it has at least a double-meaning, as demonstrated by it using in these equations, below.

e = mc^2.
e ~ 2.72 = (1+1/inf)^inf.

Also, the number e, gets its value, in part, in its computation, incorporating the limit of finite numbers approaching, infinity, and doesn't break any algebra rules in doing so, whereas in an infinite universe = x^3, where x = infinity, then algebra breaks down, because inf^3=inf???

Also, what is the slope of e^x, or the value of the area under the curve? It's always the same!

And, the letter e, can represent, energy, as in einstein's formula, which can be a same or different number than 2.72. And, when someone references something Einstein - that is smart, because a lightbulb in the mind, turned on.

So, really, the value of e, can be anything, depending on the context. It can even be raised to the (pi*i) power and be -1, as follows: e^(pi*i) = -1

Therefore, I like e. It has numberical energy!
@krishnaWarade2010 said in #7:
> Bro this is not math class..

The very first thing learned in math class is how to count numbers, where counting numbers the foundation: before adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, before doing anything calculating with them. And, even favorite mathematical numbers have meaning. (which I noticed that number had, and expressed a little curiousity about it). But, what is the meaning you wish to have here, about "favorite numbers?" Do you want to ignore that all numbers are rooted in math?
@Approximation said in #6:
> Are you a math wiz?
> I googled it, here.
> And, it has to do with harmonics? Can you explain what you know of Zeta(2)? I have a slight curiousity.

My degrees are in math and I work in math.

Zeta functions, in general, are curious. You should look at the Riemann Hypothesis.

Here is a strangely pleasant formula for ζ(2) that I found from your link:

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