
Give me the best pickup line you got.

Is u the red roof, cause i wanna go inn
Pick up line at the chess club...You put the 'Zugz in my Wang baby'! - :]
@ThEsMaRtgIrL_2012 said in #13:
> You're really cute but our children will be cuter
Im trying to think a of a pickup line so hard, but what works in my mind is how cute you are.

You must be tired, cos you were running in my whole day
@dR-mAd_aToMiC said in #14:
> Im trying to think a of a pickup line so hard, but what works in my mind is how cute you are.

How about: "I'm trying really hard to think of a pickup line, and that's not the only thing that's hard."
@AsDaGo said in #16:
> How about: "I'm trying really hard to think of a pickup line, and that's not the only thing that's hard."
what else is hard xD

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