
Donald Trump Vs Hilary Clinton

I guess the US movement for "less govt. got it wrong".

It's not so much govt. involving/interference that is the problem, but what it is interfering with.

Some things are better left alone by govt., other things it is good the govt. intervenes.

For instance those Wall Street guys would suck the entire country dry if govt. didn't do some things to stop them.
From #31: "For instance those Wall Street guys would suck the entire country dry if govt. didn't do some things to stop them."

True. PBS had a special, about 401K's- "The Retirement Gamble." Could have been called the Retirement Ripoff. And you may recollect which side is trying to get rid of Big Bird (PBS).
I bet the Lichess Community can be the best president of the U.S!!!
Doesn't matter whose bum is in the big chair; it's the office itself that's the problem.
#33 If Lichess Community can be the best president of the U.S. then could I say it would be better that AI be programed to be the President. After all the best chess engine had defeated the best human player. lol
Good idea I guess, artificial intelligence being better than no intelligence at all *drumroll* *laughs*
After reading all the mud slung across the internet, I'm pretty sure it's a small group of people propagating the ideas. Meaning: most if it is false. I have to admit it was a surprise to see the FBI scold Mrs. Clinton. Maybe a generation thing, but that one seems obvious to me.. lets not put sensitive emails into open cyberspace. Anyone think it was deliberate?
i don't know whether it was deliberate or not, but i know that she should, and would, be in prison for the rest of her life had she not been a person of her importance...
Guys, i would like to tell you of my recent experience with buying a gun. well it all started about a month ago when i was flipping through a flyer and saw a new 12 gauge that i decided that i highly wanted. so the next day i got my money together and went to the store and asked for the gun to be sold to me. little did i know the terror of buying a new gun (my others i bought privately and didnt have to register them and the whatnot)

First i was sat down and given a large stack of papers to fill out.
Two hours later i was done telling and retelling my life story and answering ridicules questions such as "are you a fugitive from the law?" or " will you use this gun to kill or in otherwise harm others?" i was regretting buying this gun but it was too late to back out so i pressed on...
Next was the cross examination, i was sat down and reasked all of the questions which took another hour or so then came the background check and the clerk telling his life story and the paperwork.
All in all it took around 5 hours of paperwork.
Now i will tell you why i am telling this story. I will ask you who here thinks that we really need more gun control? I mean like really guys the guns are already controlled by people and if someone wants to do something wrong with a gun he can and will find a way to get a gun. all gun control does is take the guns away from the honest people like me.
Also partial birth abortion,
Guys how is that right? two days later and killing it is a hideous and terrible crime punished by many years in prison, but the day before the birth it isn't a baby yet? guys can any of you see how wrong that is? abortion is murder. i don't understand how it can be explained differently especially when the baby is ready be born the next day. Hillary said she will legalize that. Hillary is pro murder of our children. how is that alright?
Also Bill Clinton had like 10 affairs and how many Rape cases.
are you really gonna try to tell me that Hillary knew nothing of any of that. she lied repeatedly to the Supreme Court trying to justify what her husband did. do we really want him for our First Lady? i could go on and on. Bengahzi, the Emails, guys she is a terrible person and would make an even worse president. Yours Truly.
Please Listen.
Leo, there are some worthwhile arguments in what you say, but I think the most important thing is what both of them stand for. Hillary has the language of freedom, love, equality and the American dream; but behind the promises she is not really being protective of the US people, she's happy with the status quo, doesn't see a problem with more immigration or more offshoring of companies, as she's all for lofty ideals, not the actual defense of the actual interests of the actual American people. Trump has the language of business and of material interests; but behind the apparent lack of ideals, he's about actually defending the actual American people by concrete and effective measures, like stronger borders or a strong tax on re-imported goods from offshored companies.

And then there's the foreign policy. Since Hillary is all ideals, she's happy to wage war when some country is represented as "bad", e.g. because there is an authoritarian leader, which represses rebellions. But this create chaos. Some countries probably need an authoritarian leader. Maybe they'll transition to liberal democracy, but they have to do it themselves. By just knocking regimes down, you only get chaos, which is exactly what the US provoked, with ISIS and a global migration crisis as a result. Trump on the other hand see things in business terms, which makes him much less nasty, as he will respect other governments and focus on finding common grounds, rather than trying to impose his ideology on the whole Earth.

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