
Casual terms of address for women?

I either call people by name or just don't call them anything. Simplest way, no? ;)
it depends on the context and the age of the person: in an informal setting like a chat, a forum or DMs, it's better to call the person by their nickname, there are not many people I can allow me to call "bro". if you know the person's name, sir or madam out of politeness.

but to answer #1's question, I've already seen people use "sister" or "sis" in chats which is the equivalent of bro. totally fine to use if it's with a close friend or someone the same age as you. I wouldn't allow myself to use Bro or Sister when i speak with someone at 50 or 60 years old, but I will use it with people who are 17 years old like me or maximum with people who are 30 years old
Well, there's always 'mate', you gotta say it in an aussie accent though. And then there's 'luv', works best in a British cockney accent. 'Partner' is an option, but usually only when you're working on a cattle ranch out west.
Thanks for replying!

@SimonBirch said in #6:
> Try 'wench' or 'mad witch' they work perfectly well in my house when addressing my gf lol xxx

You seem to be quite a daring individual, aye lad?
@ForumPoster4242 said in #14:
> Thanks for replying!
> You seem to be quite a daring individual, aye lad?
I use them as terms of endearment, that's why I get away with it !!
@ew-pawn said in #4:
> Since I'm a girl, I usually call my girlfriends by their names or just saying ‘girl’ or ‘girls’ , but in your case it might seem strange, so it's best to call them by their names. @ForumPoster4242
@xDoubledragon said in #18:
> One rule of internet if someone claims to be woman, it is a man
why do you hate trans people?
@fiendcel said in #19:
> why do you hate trans people?
I don't think that they meant it like that!!?

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