
Scrolling problem in mobile app

I just pulled the update, and can confirm that the scrolling does work now in some areas of the app. It appears that in the analysis board, when you're reviewing a game, it is still broken... can't scroll to see all the entire game, and the base bar buttons to scroll back through the moves is still missing on the 2nd and 3rd analysis screens. Thanks.
After application update, the issue was resolved.

Mobile app scrolls fine after the update! Thanks for fixing! Lichess is awesome!!
Here too scrolling works everywere except in the analysis board.
Scrolling working on the home screen but not on the analysis board, so you can't step through (buttons are off the screen) if the analysis is not short.
Thank you Lichess volunteers!

Made me want to make a donation :)

So I clicked the link, and got this ... :(

Something went wrong on this page.
If the problem persists, please report the bug.
AsyncCache.single plan.topPatronUserIds single timed out after 5 seconds

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