
How did you find

A friend informed me about how good Lichess is and I gave it a try.
duckduckgo search and iPhone app. Both are best in class.
I wanted to play chess again and I was looking for a website. I found lichess quite quickly. It was the first website I registered on.
I fell in love
I watched ChessExplained Youtube channel and found a video of his first appearance on Lichess. He mentioned "berserk mode" and it looked fun and I had to try it, too. Awesome!

P.s: has free conditional moves now in V3 I think.
We have community->Questions and Answers section, perhaps it is better to place this in that section.

Or even in Forum->General Chess Discussion.
I was having a good time with opensource software for engineering. In the mean time, I was playing on and chesscube. Felt extremely irritated with a new wave of cubit or coin (whatever it was) system iteration on chesscube and one day, i just googled "opensource chess" and there it was
I did that when I wanted to play chess on my friend's computer but it didn't have java or something like that, so didn't work.
I found lichess looking for a chess app on the chrome webstore.

Lichess is just great :)

After playing first on (FICS) and then paying to play on (ICC) for about 4 or 5 years I decided to see if there was something more interesting going on and I found quite a few new sites but nothing even close to ICC. Then I had a search idea: Since FICS was the only ".org" chess server that I knew, I made an advanced search only on ".org" chess sites, and I found lichess, which surpasses by far the wildest dreams of many senior admins not only from FICS, but from other major chess sites as well.

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