
Can we get better move times/ui improvements for correspondence?

I think correspondence is really underdeveloped on lichess. Any information about your game isn't really recorded. Only the start date (by hovering over the "x months ago") and the moves, really.
The move times are super simplistic and only record under 60 seconds (anything higher is displayed as 60 seconds, which is not a a problem with classical/rapid for some reason).

Shoot, even displaying when messages were sent might be even useful. But, really, I just want to be able to see (at least more upfront and not hidden):
1. When a game started.
2. When a game ended.
3. When moves were made.

I think that would be really nice to see and could help a lot of people play chess better. Correspondence is very alive and I regularly play with a couple dozen people, who in turn play in a huge community. It might be one of lichess's smallest groups, but there are thousands of people who play more often than me.

Any other suggestions or improvements would be nice.

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