
Name of this tactic (is it just a sacrifice?)

@MrPushwood #18

It only makes a difference if you value precision.

You said yesterday that there was a difference between, 'tactics" and "combinations" and didn't address my evidence to the contrary. These are also not my personal opinions but I've gleaned them from GM's etc.

In this post, it actually should be in Game Analysis and not in General Chess Discussion to be more precise, IMO.

After clarifying that the question of a move being a sound sacrifice on Rxe6 has a tactical, it is just a blunder, not a tactic.

So yeah, the post is misplaced in a couple of different ways or what am I not understanding?

Redundancy is often the key to clarity.
@FyM020 - I am glad I understood your question. I had once an OTB game where I had the same kind of "sacrifice":
The situation was not as crashing as in your example, but at least my "quiet" sacrifice was considered the best move by Stockfish: In move 19 my (white) rook was attacked by the pawn and I decided to leave it there and continue my attack on the king.

Thanks for your analysis. Bxf2+ is a sacrifice I overlooked.


Good game! That's the same idea.

After reading all these answers, a game I had seen in 2020 came to my mind. Enjoy!


Thanks. The first game is another example (the Queen stays on the same square).

In the second game, Rf7 looks like attraction. The piece sacrificed is moved and the purpose is to alter the position of the King.

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