
Lichess Database

Erratum: in the above I non-intentionally was writing in bad faith. I don't remember my exact tone intention (was i trying English as a second language above my pay-grade? really it might be a thing with any second language, specially when french, being "similar", is your first). poor vocabulary, poor nuances (might also be true in French, but more so in English, for me).

I *actually* have seen a funky early middle-game position in the master lichess book during one of my games where I was exploring draws under the defunct assumption that they might be subtle places to flex my middle-game chess. It was funky in that there seemed to be a cluster of other games branching in** with size of the order of 100 unique book ids, that all adopted the 3fold draw by repetition. Unfortunately, my lichess opening explorer note taking skills via web page saving to local OS, are fluctuating and I am not sure where or which file name to look for.

**or out, lichess is a branching out kind of book, or i reversed the polarity again... well the other left or right, then.

So, I do not *suspect* that their prevalence would not be leviathanesque. I precisely *wonder*. With an itch to find how big that might be, and if I could find that cluster again by more database-centric means.

memo to myself. actually try the import link and answer my own tangential questions here. unless somebody beats me to it. (is that motivating enough for you?) :).
@dboing no the linked DB is just game collectiona and as such has no search features. particular version seems to be just plain PGNso you can load it into your favorite chess base tool like chess base or scid. if you are lucky it has search feature needed tolocata whtat you are looking for. Most probably it is not but have fun trying

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