
FIDE Picks Breast Implants as a Sponsor for Women's Chess

FIDE now is much better than it has been in decades - but this is disappointing news, a new sponsor that might even deter big brands from getting involved in sponsoring chess. What could be next- a baldness cure to sponsor men's chess?

Like #4 said, how can Magnus get Mastercard and FIDE only this?? If there ever was a chance for female chess to get noticed by sponsors it is right now in the wake of The Queen's Gambit.
Just saying but this could be a troll who took this as a chance cause of the lack of sponsors for FIDE at womens chess.
Like just think when they are playing there will be advertisements about breast implants.
@passionate_player said in #36:
> Horsey is very angry of you >:(
Horsey cannot do anything to me.
It as meant to be a joke and became just spam because of immature kids.
@AbJayAN said in #16:
> Yes imagine a 5 year old looking at this blog and asking their mum what this means.
Maybe the mom would then realize how bad of a decision was to let her own 5 y/o kid without kid mode on an internet website with a forum place.
Not to mention that a blog about breast implant is nowhere close to someone yelling at you or someone else racist insults or sexual harassments that may happen in tournament chats or lobby games.
I guess it's hard to find a sponsor for women's chess? This is kinda depressing tho

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