
Super-GM Charity Tournament to be held on 12 - 14 May

That will be really nice, but seriously, a lot of top players could join it or at least be invited as guests.
Since Magnus is a very key participant on this site recently, a pair of Magnus-Karjakin can be great part of this tournament too.
And there is a chance for occasional visit of prohibited players in such special events, I still hope to see Nakamura here one day.
And we definitely have people who do a lot for lichess who have a reserved place in any strong tournament here (all 3000+ players).
Great news yet could be even better.
Will provisions be made for Inarkiev to play illegal moves in his opponent's time trouble to steal wins?
so much exiting stuff Lichess does! All this action is worth much more then a 5 or 10$ support per month - thanks for all your effort! we get spoiled here a lot! 👻
The lineup is not as stellar is it could be if you look at all the eight players. Could someone list the usernames of the eight players. In fact it could be edited and added to the article itself.

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