
A new logo for Lichess

@Escorto Wow, that's creative

@Just960 I can see that too...

My personal opinion is it looks like it was once on a diet but said "screw this!" and decided to eat whatever they wanted, which has given it diabetes. It looked better with two ears and an eye, as now our horse is blind, missing an ear, AND has diabetes. Had the logo been replaced when Lichess was younger, than it would have been better. Since everyone is used to the old logo, however, they should have retained components from the old one instead of re-creating the entire things. As the old saying goes: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".
@dirtylittleboy re new sounds. I asked for that too.

You mentioned the ability to be able to upload your own sounds, if you're good at making sounds why not try and get some of yours added to the main site? I'm not really sure of the process, but I'd image one way would be to open an issue on github offering to make sounds and asking for some guidance on how to get them included.

Looks more like an over weight Seahorse...Could use some white highlighting along the edges....and an eyeball. :]
I have an aquatic themed chess set...The horsies look like seahorse's :]
It's a nice logo, but does look kind of discomforting with it looking to the right.

Any reason you it couldn't look to the more conventional left, or is it all just part of the global trend to the right?
The logo itself is much better. But now I find it hard to distinguish site among the other tabs in browser. Hopefully it's just matter of getting used.
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