
Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess

Yes she did #171

And so do many, many, other women.

Your argument that women just don't work hard enough is just flawed.
*flame war intensifies*
No. Men arent superior to women in chess. But women arent suerior to men either.
Stop pinging me for one.

No, I'm saying that there's another factor here that none of you sexists are considering.

If you read the article, you would know what I'm talking about.
#175 yes, it is called "just how many men play chess compared to women"

Hahaha you are so pathetic, asking that everyone who disagrees with your exact worldview should be silenced.

TRULY YOU ARE A TIGER. And these pathetic minds of ours, they tremble at the intellectual might of him who ...shuts down others? Really? LOL

If you are so weak that you need the nanny to make the baddies that disagree with you go away, maybe you need a break from the internet, my guy ;)

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