
I was about to win against stockfish level8

Please give me some advice for Black in this game. In case you are wondering, White's identity is stockfish level 8. 'When I'm this dominant, I would be a quicksand winner! Yay!"I thought, but I lost lol. The quintessence is stockfish level8. Amateurs can't stand up to him.
I would hurry to consider that as almost Win, but well Done anyway, max advantage You had was -1.7, but that doesn't means much in game vs machine, it can change advantage from -2 to +2 even against Itself. Also Position was very closed, that's why You had luck to press and take his rook, but then position opened, and it bacame much harder to win. Good Game
@aVague said in #3:
> I would hurry to consider that as almost Win, but well Done anyway, max advantage You had was -1.7, but that doesn't means much in game vs machine, it can change advantage from -2 to +2 even against Itself. Also Position was very closed, that's why You had luck to press and take his rook, but then position opened, and it bacame much harder to win. Good Game

Thanks for the comment! My biggest advantage in this match is my rating at 30.Qe1, which stockfish rates as -3.7.
@tyangun said in #4:
> Thanks for your comment! I think my biggest advantage in this game is -3.7. I hope you can see the entire analysis at the link below.
Yes Thx!