
An appreciation of Aron Nimzowitsch

> 3. I know this is very controversial take but in my opinion My system is not a great book to learn chess from. I've never seen a game of chess won by chess prophylaxis.

There is a conceptual lineage for Prophylaxis :
Nimzowitsch -> Influences Tigran Petrosian (Python style to draw)-> Influences Anatoly Karpov (Python style to win)

An important interview hinting at this influence is the Gibraltar Interview of Karpov:

See: 13:15 where Petrosian is mentioned
Dear Kingcrusher, you forgot to mention "The Praxis of my System" by Aaron Nimzowitsch. Nota Bene: I got that book first in a Spanish edition ("La práctica de mi sistema", translated from the German version by Julio Ganzo). I am a Chilean subject so my native language is Spanish and I got "My System" in an updated edition from a Spanish Editorial. These books are the foundation of hypermodern school of chess.
@Batman_18 said in #23:
> Dear Kingcrusher, you forgot to mention "The Praxis of my System" by Aaron Nimzowitsch. Nota Bene: I got that book first in a Spanish edition ("La práctica de mi sistema", translated from the German version by Julio Ganzo). I am a Chilean subject so my native language is Spanish and I got "My System" in an updated edition from a Spanish Editorial. These books are the foundation of hypermodern school of chess.

That is a better book title than "Chess Praxis" - it would have leveraged the success more of "My system" if it had been named that consistently in different countries etc.

I mentioned: "Chess Praxis" - originally published in German in 1929 and was purchased by future World chess champion Tigran Petrosian."

I think this is the same book you are talking about.
somebody link an actual game so far I haven't seen one yet.
Great article! I never had as much fun reading a chess book as with My System. Nimzowitsch never runs out of jokes and anecdotes, sprinkled in at exactly the right points, which makes his concepts particularly memorable.
If you have not seen an actual game where prophalaxis won, you clearly have not seen karpov's best games.