
frogs are cool

this and that

i didn't have to search the home for long b4 finding some fellow frogs. frogs, just like many other animals, have greatly impacted our cultures, arts and more. in ancient Egypt, frogs symbolized fertility, while in classical antiquity the Greeks and Romans associated frogs with harmony, fertility and licentiousness.

we used to have a small pond in the garden and one day out of nowhere a few frogs showed up. they were not many it was only 3, like as if they were a small family. a mother, father and their kid. and best part is they stayed!
10yrs old me thought it was the coolest thing ever. like all of a sudden we have frogs living in our own backyard. so I decided to make a house for them with stones for walls and roof, sticks for indoor decorations, and leaves for outdoor decoration. although the leaves didn't exactly stay for very long

some days later while i was randomly messing around as usual i noticed one of the frogs were missing. had he moved on or something? was he just hiding somewhere? or maybe hes actually checking out the house i build? I moved one of the stones and sure enough, he was there, just sitting in one of the corners with his head right above the water. it was just so cool and exciting one of them actually wanted to chill in the house that i build just for them! of course I had to let everyone know and this inspired my sister to also build one

as the days went by we regularly saw the frog family in and around the houses. some days it had rained so much that the entire houses was flooded. other days the wind was so strong it teared apart bits of it. it was a bummer having to rebuild but at least the frogs never got unharmed. then one day, a late springday, they was gone all together. just like that. prehaps they got bored living in the same small pond. or maybe they just like travelling alot instead of settle for that one special place. prehaps both. eitherway i hope they found an even cooler place to be. somewhere rly safe and swampy

frogs are such a fascinating species. they populate all our continents, except antarctica naturally. coming in all sorts of shapes, sizes and most notably the endlessly different colours too. its really ranging from all the colours we have on the spectrum, and many with several colours at the same time. especially the toxic ones having very bright shiny colours warning us and predators not to mess with them.

Many poisonous frogs are boldly colored to infact warn predators of their dangerous skin filled with toxicity. Some colourful frogs have even developed the same colouring as a coexisting poisonous frogs. Although their skins arent toxic, these mimics may gain protection from predators by simply looking dangerous.

they've been around for a very long time too, in fact they were the first land animals with vocal cords. for being here so long its no wonder there exists so many different types of frogs. in my country there's rly ony 2 species (and they even look extremely similar with each other too, most ppl won't be able to tell the difference!) tho while some countries can have several houndreds. especially regions with tropical forests, tropical forests are like literally the heaven for amphibians lol

like in America, they have a super cute one, The marsupial frogs that's infamous for keeping her eggs in a pouch like a kangaroo. Then when the eggs hatch into tadpoles she opens the pouch with her toes and spills them into the water.

its kinda surprising there's no official chess openings named after them, as the universe of official named openings that has been established throughout the time has reached some seriously high numbers. like we're talking several hounderds. granted animal themed openings aren't the most popular, to say the least, but there's still alot in total! like we have everything from kangaroo defence, the squirrel, hedgehog variation, dragons, elephant gambit (with a wasp variation even), double duck formation, even a fried fox defence, monkeys bum(!), the English rat: ponds gambit!! the list go on and on

names of chess openings can get alot wackyer and just straight up weird too tho. like some of my favourites; the potato, the toilet variation, frankenstein dracula and the drunken knight variation. like really some of them i would never believe is an actual legit official named chess opening if I hadn't seen it for myself.

A04 Zukertort Opening: Arctic Defense, Drunken Knight Variation, C27 Vienna Game: Frankenstein-Dracula Variation, B21 Sicilian Defense: McDonnell Attack w/ Nc3 popularly known as the toilet variation and A06 Zukertort Opening: The Potato

like lets play a game; below I've listed 4 openings where 3 of them are real official openings, and 1 made up by me. can u guess it?


  • A: unicorn defence
  • B: money laundering gambit
  • C: nescafe frappe attack
  • D: creepy crawly


  • A: blacks knight tango
  • B: coca cola gambit
  • C: noahs ark trap
  • D: sunflowerseed attack

(correct answers is: 1A and 2D)

I went to one of the bigger pounds nearby and got a few shots of some very young ninjas

they were so small!

some other, behind the scenes photos :o

another cat was watching us from the other side of the garden

a random bee