

badly structured blog about rk and icebergs

over-analysing wacky openings and overthinking rk conspiracies

- definitely take this 'iceberg chart' with a grain of salt, especially the last tiers

at the top are things, people and events related to rk that pretty much everyone knows about. then it just keep getting less well-known, more obscure and weirder the further down we go. im surprised how few people actually know about rk1440 eventho its been around for several years

which makes me to my next point: I really like rk1440! like I think rk in general is super fascinating and fun, and its kinda a bit sad that we see the same exact openings over and over again so often. rk1440 however, its like.. well just pure rk. no opening theory whatsoever and unique starting-positions everytime:) oh and I feel like generally the games last a bit longer since usually the pieces has been shuffled to be on more awkwardly placed places

- one of my first rk1440 games, which *interestingly* ended in a draw

but rk1440 has some flaws. for instance some openings are just complitely won for white. and with this i mean not even in a 'antichess winning' way, where e3 is theoretically won, but its far from obvious unless u so happen to be sf or a very good anti peep that is able to memorise all the winning lines^, or anything like that. here i mean white literally can just win a full piece for no compensations whatsoever on move one

- white to move and keep advantage lol, can u spot it?

so we need to make more restrictions, so we'll avoid getting complitely won positions like these, so we can have a proper fischer random rk variant. i would love to help or support a project like that! unfortunately I don't know anything about coding. I don't even have a pc at this moment:') on a exciting note tho; I know @theusualdumbkid is working on a new rk1440 site, its still in very early days but super awesome nonetheless!

- i thought the colours of this set was so cool. for some reason they said blue (so black) always makes the first move(?)

rk has so many cool openings! my favourites rn are openings that get us out of theory asap. a good example is 1.Bd4, Be4, kh3. sure its practically not as easy to play as 2.kg3, u definitely have to be more careful now as its so much sharper were ur basically giving the center away. that said tho if black continues with 2.kb2 u have 3.ng3 just emidiately challanging the bishop. forcing black to move either the bishop, or 3.nxf1 (and then 4.nxe4) this position is still equal and playeble for both.

another variation is 2..nxf1 (instead of kb3) which id recommend 3.kg4 and we reach a position thats surprisingly rare. already were getting into som lesser known openings and in my opinion a very interesting one. its different from the usual bd4, be4, kg3 stuff. both has unequal material and structure

u know all those graphs and rankings people have made about the greatest chess players in history and so on? i found those really fun and interesting. the comment sections are also usually rly fun with the endless "Bobby Fischer - Kasparov - Magnus - whos The greatest of all time" discussions^^
so I wanted to make some sort of a rk version, tho I quickly realised how time-consuming it would be, so ok maybe I could just make a standard line graph? Well, i couldnt figure out a way that also wouldnt be very time-consuming so i reduced the numbers to 4 people. aand turns out its rather unuseful if u dont have enough people featured. but its better than nothing i guess:')

- these was the top 3 rated as of jan 28th. (with immm randomly included since he was the winner of 2022 rkwc) from November 1st to today