

Previously if I wanted the forum, I clicked on forum.
Now I click on lines (or space bar), and click on forum.
Same with other features... that is one more click than before... unless I am missing something. :P
scrolling up?

Why not just press spacebar?

Alternately, I think the new menu, with some tweaks, should replace the home/menu page.
If there were too many headings, why not simply create 4 major headings on the main page (Play, Tools, Community, and Learn) with sub-headings for where you want to go? Thousands of other sites on the internet use this format. I don't see the necessity to make the menu another page entirely.
@goldilocks -- you are missing the fact that your good suggestions and feedback may get blown off....

"Dionysus_god" !!!!!!!!! Did you go to confession while my back was turned?? I can swear you've been washed in the blood of the Lamb
"Did you go to confession while my back was turned?? I can swear you've been washed in the blood of the Lamb"

Nevermind. It's absurd, but I have nothing to say about it.

Just glad to be on this site (lol)
I think the new menu page - with some tweaks - should become the new home page. I think adding the TV or the create a game page as a third box with it.
If it does become the new main page, could you guys at least make it black instead of(or in addition to) blue?
Look - I am not bashing this - and I know 'criticism' makes some people defensive...not sure what scrolling has to do with this, I scroll the same amount (or is this to do with the spacebar shortcut?)

But Dionysus is exactly right - ideally main features are immediately accessible and visible from front page - not hidden in a submenu (however elegant it is in design or easy it is to launch). Keep the submenu for getting to less frequently used places in the site... expose the core features (I guess Play, Training, Forum, ... and hopefully Video) as top level navigation elements.

Anyway, not going to fight it any more - Thibault does usually have a master plan that works in the end :D
I'd like to add another (minor) suggestion:

What happened to the ratings? I can't see why your ratings don't appear anymore when you click your name at the top right of the page.

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