
Does anyone else hate how popular chess has gotten recently?

@IntuitiveTactics said in #1:
> I have been playing chess for almost ten years and recently I've seen that a lot of people just started playing because of things like "The queens gambit" and popular twitch streamers, I don't know why but I don't like how superficially people are looking at it, and it makes me not want to play anymore because it doesn't feel as special as it used to

Your perception of the things you enjoy change throughout your life. It sounds like you're either blaming your newly jaded view toward chess on its new popularity, or worse: it was only special to you because it wasn't popular. You wanted to feel special and cool by enjoying something that not a lot of people knew about. If so, this attitude is just as vapid as the people you criticize who like it just because it is popular.
Honestly, I haven't really noticed, how-ever, the world-population has supposedly increased... exponentially... with even India's population apparently surpassing that of even the Chinese... this also means more people for literally everything, and, not only that, the amount of animé that has been mass-produced and pumped out in recent years has resulted in so many titles that it is actually difficult to keep up with them all even when they are narrowed down to just the must-watches.

Anyway, with the rise in world-population, a rise in participation (and production) for just about nearly everything can probably also be expected, and, on-line chess just happens to be one of those «spill-over» activities for all of those people in these newer generations who decide to explore and try out just about everything with their free time before they have to join the adult-world of the rat-race in order to avoid joining the other millions of homeless...

«Even if you win the rat-race; you're still a rat.» -Lily Tomlin
I've played chess casually my whole life, but I'll unashamedly admit it was The Queen's Gambit that got me looking for and playing online chess, that being about 2 and half years ago now.

I will say I've had more games lately where people have been messaging about how the takeback option is disabled and confused about it, they generally seem to give up once I tell them I've disabled it.
@IntuitiveTactics said in #1:
> I don't like how superficially people are looking at it, and it makes me not want to play anymore because it doesn't feel as special as it used to

It seems to me a very elitist way of seeing chess...
For some chess is an extremely serious matter, for others just a pastime, with all the intermediate gradations between these two extremes. Chess is a good activity for everyone.
As for those who start playing thinking it's an easy game, most will soon realize they're wrong and quit. What's the problem ?
Do you really despice those who approach chess in a non-"elevated" way, to the point ot not wanting to play anymore ? I can't believe it.
Ca@Sleepy_Gary said in #32:
> You wanted to feel special and cool by enjoying something that not a lot of people knew about. If so, this attitude is just as vapid as the people you criticize who like it just because it is popular.

I said that I didn't like how superficially some new players are looking at it, if that makes sense, I wouldn't give a damn if it was popular before or if I was the only person playing it, I just don't want the game's fanbase be full of children that come from popular twitch streamers/content creators that milk content out of it when they aren't even good themselves. Titles saying how someone lost by scholars mate or fools mate? Chess 2?? Complete BS.
No game or even sport can avoid exploitation people on YouTube or Twitch trying to make easy money. It's just like the whole "LeBron fan reacts to Jordan mixtape" videos. They're always viral, people always say and act the same.. "Jordan does a crazy move, they act shocked. Get out of chair and act like they're gonna leave the room. And say something "oh no way. Thats crazy... thats it's I'm done" then continue watching rinse and repeat.
In my place/country chess r dying 10 years it will be replaced fully by e-sports...and they didn't even bother watching queen gambit

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