
Ukrainian Voices

@Xodga said in #63:
“Ещё хочу добавить. Русский народ не такой тупой и зомбированный, как его пытаются показать западные и прозападные СМИ. “
Но некоторые, похоже, все же зомбированные

“Не услышал слов Порошенко 13 ноября 2014 год, где он, по Одесскому телевидению сказал буквально следующее: Наши дети пойдут в школы и детские сады — их дети будут сидеть в подвалах (очевидно, прятаться от обстрелов). И он выполнил свои обещания. И это не пропаганда. Это видео ходит по YouTube. “
Это ж очередной фейк, точнее неверная передача смысла слов:
@LordSupremeChess said in #103:
> Look this is not a war between Russia and the US, this is a war between Russia and Ukraine. I don't care what my country has done in the past, and the wars in the Middle Eastern Asia were not caused by America as far as I know with the execption of Afghanistan, and that one was nessecary cause al Qaeda was planning on ruling the world and Afghanistan wouldn't turn them over. So you can shut your talk about how Western countries are apparently ruining the world in the trash can, cause it is not true. And it will never be true.

You forgot to mention Yugoslavia and Lybia for example. This countries were totally destroyed.
Regarding to the current situation. I can remind you (obviously you even don't know that because your media as always feed you with properly prepared information) that president Zelenskiy claimed to develop nuclear weapon in order to attack Russia.
@Andrey_Timer said in #106:
> Это ж очередной фейк, точнее неверная передача смысла слов:

Неиронично ссылаться на стопфейк в 2022 году? Чел, это укропомойка, которая каждый шаг русских пытается очернить, а любые преступления украины обелить.
Я не поленился найти с таймкодом полную версию, послушай сам и реши. Никакой неверной подачи там нет, черным по белому все.
I get Ukranian people are suferring but these happenings are because of their leaders.
An actor that became a president and a billonaire out of nothing, etc helped by the USA.

The rest is all over the news and people are suffering because they had to leave their country, etc etc etc.

I dont like any wars, invasion or what ever you want to call it.
But you cant deny why Russia did what it did because it felt surrounded by nato bases and in
Ukraine their was found 5 labs that develop viruses and nerv gases to been used against Russia, so
for some Puttin should have stayed quiet and done nothing before it was too late....
@qbot said in #107:
> You forgot to mention Yugoslavia and Lybia for example. This countries were totally destroyed.
> Regarding to the current situation. I can remind you (obviously you even don't know that because your media as always feed you with properly prepared information) that president Zelenskiy claimed to develop nuclear weapon in order to attack Russia.
I'm 13 alright. I did the best I could.
The first story of the elderly chess player who almost casually mentions being used as a martyr really set the tone. #FreeUkraine
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@JorgeCaranti said in #109:
> But you cant deny why Russia did what it did because it felt surrounded by nato bases and in

Way to go, man, defending a warmonger, I'm sure you are making your parents and friends proud. Putin had other options, not the least of them, taking an L. Kinda curious where you got the "Billionaire" and the "out of nothing" parts of your story. I'm more or less familiar with his career and these are both kinda new to me.
@AndreySemenov said in #108:
> Я не поленился найти с таймкодом полную версию, послушай сам и реши. Никакой неверной подачи там нет, черным по белому все.

Вы знаете украинский ? Я нет, но вполне ожидаю фейки и инфовойну с обеих сторон конфликта. И не питаю иллюзий насчёт российского тв в том числе.
И по-моему, очевидно , что надо быть полным идиотом, чтобы такое сказать. Как бы негативно не относиться к Порошенко, но вряд ли стоит ожидать такой подставы от него. Поэтому версия перевода на stopfake мне кажется гораздо логичнее.

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