
Anyone Else Bad at Bullet and Blitz but good at Classical?

@Orphan_X said in #20:
> Blitz/Bullet have nothing to do with ideas, creativity or strategy, essentially everything that's interesting about chess.
I have seen some 3+2 blitz games played by GM level players and it was obvious that they are able to plan and calculate even at this speed (even if not as well as at more reasonable pace, of course).

When it comes to us, mere mortals, it's IMHO mostly about the way players approach the game. The shorter time control, the more the game is about intuition or rather experience and things people are able to play "on autopilot", without thinking much. People like me who lack those and have to rely on thinking and calculation perform better in longer time controls and fail miserably in blitz. People who rely on playing intuitively even with enough time and lack the focus needed for precise calculation would perform much better in short time controls.
@Orphan_X said in #20:

Speak for yourself. Others won't necessarily treat the game the same way you or I do. I only play classical with opponents I know aren't doing the things I've described, so it's fairly rare for me to get a game. Usually it's because a friend challenges me.
Bullet and Blitz are like junk food to your chess...
@Orphan_X said in #20:
> Blitz/Bullet have nothing to do with ideas, creativity or strategy, essentially everything that's interesting about chess.

That is absolutely not true in blitz. In bullet, maybe...

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