
Search "user:stabtak"

3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - [Feature request] In correspondance chess, save a move to be played if clock runs out#1

In correspondance chess, sometimes (at least once per game if not more), there will be a move you can make but you're looking if a less clear more comital move can be made. It would be great if you co…

Lichess Feedback - [FEATURE REQUEST] In correspondance chess, allow notes to be created by playing variations#1

Hello, First of all, thank you all at Lichess for the wonderful website and community here. There are many small improvements or features that could be added to make it even better. In that spirit, I …

Lichess Feedback - Notifications for correspondance games#1

Hello, Would it be possible to make it so the notifications/pop-ups for 'Time is up' in correspondance chess games can be configured to a fixed time by the user? It's annoying to get the notifications…
