
Search "user:scrooge"

38 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Best Chess Openings#55

Nimzo Indian Defense - 23 Sicilian Defense - 22 Ruy Lopez - 20 Queen's Gambit Declined - 20 Queen's Indian Defense - 21 Italian game - 19 French defense - 18 English opening - 12 King's Indian - 12 Gr…

General Chess Discussion - tactics puzzle

I'd say it's one of those 'strange' puzzles, maybe people use engines on these 'unsolvable' ones. So rating becomes secondary. I see the puzzles as training to think and execute winning moves like Sto…

General Chess Discussion - Here is a chess cards generator to to pump your ratings#16

Nice, well done!

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: filter 'main statistics graph' by type of chess#1

Hi, It would be nice if the graph to the left of the player presentation had a selection also on type of chess (not only time as today - 1m 3m 6m etc). So that the graph could be filtered on only blit…

General Chess Discussion - How do I improve at tactics#3

yes I think so too, and also playing 'easy' wins such as rook+king vs king, but try to find the most exact solution. and then repeat...

General Chess Discussion - Will Any Brand New Chess Openings be Discovered?#26

The opposite is also in effect, what happens if a specific line/opening hasn't been played by top level GMs for a period of time? Should it still be considered as a variation, and maintained in our pu…

General Chess Discussion - Will Any Brand New Chess Openings be Discovered?#25

I think all 'new' openings and variations, need approval from at least 2600+ GMs. If they don't play it - then it's not a 'new' opening or variation. Until then we amateurs can call it what we want, b…

General Chess Discussion - TMA (White) and TMD (Black) - completely new openings!#7

Yes, but also: 1) White can choose setup accordingly, 2) the Knight is on d2 instead of f3. Is it worth two tempi? Theoretically - probably not, but in practical play it has at least psychological val…

General Chess Discussion - TMA (White) and TMD (Black) - completely new openings!#5

Thanks for your thoughts, and I think that the main point of the setup is primarily psychological - it is playable although the setup is quite strange. In faster time controls, your opponent is often …

General Chess Discussion - TMA (White) and TMD (Black) - completely new openings!#2

The TMA-study has been updated with four engine games, 3 draws and 1 loss. Thanks to @gonzothesmurf !
