
Search "user:rob625"

30 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Questions from a player stuck at 800-900 for over 4 years#3

Try to find a stronger player who is willing to spend some time helping you to improve. If you don't know anyone suitable, you could pay a coach, but at your level that may not be necessary.

Lichess Feedback - How much do you like lichess?#4

@DuMussDieUhrDruecken said in #3: > I'm missing a lobby with chatchannels for various issues,.. You can find all that on various other platforms. There are lichess areas on discord, quora, stackexchan…

Off-Topic Discussion - Thoughts on the new addition added to lichess?#9

I hate the idea and I love it at the same time. Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior. I wanted to try it out, so I chose the moon: O, swear not by the …

Lichess Feedback - hard to see both board and analysis graph#3

Thanks, that's helpful.

Lichess Feedback - hard to see both board and analysis graph#1

When I finish a game and get a computer analysis, I have to scroll down in my browser to see the analysis graph, and then I can't see the whole board. It would be nice if the board got smaller, so tha…

General Chess Discussion - Is learning chess like learning a language?#8

I think there is some degree of similarity between learning chess and learning a language. I think I would be a better player than I am if I had learnt younger. When I was 9 my parents separated and I…

Lichess Feedback - Can I choose to play puzzles only as white, or as black?#5

I'm perfectly happy to do puzzles as black. I just want to know which colour I am, and stay with it for a reasonable time.

Lichess Feedback - Can I choose to play puzzles only as white, or as black?#3

Thanks. I can see how choosing puzzles for a specific opening can also let me choose my colour. I don't know what you mean by 'lock the board'? In any case, it's not just the direction of the board th…

Lichess Feedback - Can I choose to play puzzles only as white, or as black?#1

I like using puzzles to train. But the constant switching between colours addles my brain sometimes. I would like to choose only to play puzzles as white for a time, and then switch to only black. Aft…

Community Blog Discussions - The Cheating Scandal#6

Thanks for an excellent blog post. I think you have given a very good summary of what happened in the two games, and I mostly agree with your stance. We don't know whether Niemann cheated or not, and …
