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6 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Modify imported games after completed import (Result, players, etc.)#8

Oh man, I did not find that function previously, I did not see the drop-down menu. I only saw the "Manage topics" button, because it was way bigger. Thanks @gbtami Actually this makes this post obsole…

Lichess Feedback - Modify imported games after completed import (Result, players, etc.)#6

I have to disagree, as stated in the previous post, naming the players is only possible when importing a already labeled game, but not afterwards. So if the PGN or imported file does not have the corr…

Lichess Feedback - Modify imported games after completed import (Result, players, etc.)#4

Thanks for the tip. There are definitely more functions, alas not what I am searching for. As a matter of fact, it is not possilbe,to change this afterwards in studies on Computer, nor Mobile! This le…

Lichess Feedback - Modify imported games after completed import (Result, players, etc.)#2

It seems there are not many people like me, importing their games directly or at all to Lichess?

Lichess Feedback - Modify imported games after completed import (Result, players, etc.)#1

I would really appreciate a feature where I can change results in my imported game after the import. Personally, after a match, I replay my games on the analysis board on my phone and afterwards I cop…
