
Search "user:potterchess"

37 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Anti-White Racism as a Minority#58

@EmileNightmoves said in #55: > That's how I think, as you wondered. Have a nice day, tell me if you still think what I say is racist, it's never a pleasure to ear it but of course we can't rule it ou…

Off-Topic Discussion - Anti-White Racism as a Minority#31

> elites ruling the world > the privileged elites at the top Who are these elites who "rule the world"? Blaming groups can be divisive and unproductive. Are you referring to oligarchs like George Soro…

Off-Topic Discussion - Anti-White Racism as a Minority#24

@Molurus said in #23: > Someone who is complaining about "racism against white people" is usually just a white racist trying to justify his own racism against various other colors. 1. This thread was …

Off-Topic Discussion - Anti-White Racism as a Minority#22

Identity Politics makes society more divided, and not surprisingly, more tribal. A divided society makes life miserable, which is why it's so unpopular in the mainstream. Radicals in America react to …

Off-Topic Discussion - Anti-White Racism as a Minority#15

Another example of applying Marxism to Race can be found with the National Socialist German Workers Party. Famously, Hitler borrowed from Marx and campaigned on the idea that International Capitalists…

Off-Topic Discussion - Anti-White Racism as a Minority#14

@JS1901291 said in #1: > Anyone else on Lichess that can relate to this? I sincerely empathize, JS. Recently, Asian students actually sued college admissions departments (Harvard among them) for rejec…

Off-Topic Discussion - Anti-White Racism as a Minority#12

@dstne said in #3: > There is one race, the human race! It really is unfortunate that people want to separate themselves into factions. Sadly, race has become institutionalized with various race-based…

Off-Topic Discussion - if higher educated people know better and they run the world,why does the world suck so much?#53

@Thalassokrator said in #3: > The world does not suck. The world has MASSIVELY improved over the past 200 years Amazing that more people don't understand this fact. The world of the past was truly har…

Off-Topic Discussion - Types of forums commenters#40

Definitive list: - Pure Trolls - Unintentional Trolls - Philosopher King-trolls - Anti-Troll Trolls - Sudo-Troll Trolls - Quasi-Troll Trolls

Off-Topic Discussion - Who are we#19

@sdkman said in #13: > @potterchess if everyone lived only for himself wouldn't this not make the best community What community are you referring to? We don't live in a "community." Most people live f…
