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6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzles should immediately show you why a move is wrong#14

@Deadban said in #4: > Never ever try to navigate Haha, I'm a developer and have very high standards for user interfaces. There's a reason I use this site: Lichess is generally fantastic an…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles should immediately show you why a move is wrong#13

@mcgoves said in #9: > Nonsense. You can restart your analysis; it does not have to be "just a guessing game". This is true, which is why I want a refutation, not the correct answer. And there is a le…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles should immediately show you why a move is wrong#12

@AsDaGo said in #11: > So you make an erroneous move, then the engine turns on and shows you the best move. How is that not showing the solution? We want the engine to show you the best response to yo…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles should immediately show you why a move is wrong#3

@AsDaGo said in #2: > You can always click "show solution" if you're that impatient. Or maybe you're not even patient enough for that... It's not a matter of patience, and I think you're misunderstand…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles should immediately show you why a move is wrong#1

If I fail a puzzle, I'd much rather be immediately shown the strong response to the move I thought was good, than given the option to continue to try to find the right move or giving up. I think the c…

General Chess Discussion - Is chess a sport#4

Classical chess is a game, blitz chess is a sport. My arbitrary distinction between them is that a game could be played by telling someone else what to do, while in a sport the athlete must actively p…
