
Search "user:nickthedragon"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Any good offline chess engines to play against?#1

Hey everyone, I have a five hour flight and don't have much else to do. Are there any offline chess engines that I could play against? (something I could download, ideally)

Game analysis - why is traxler a blunder?#9

Thanks everyone for the advice:)

Game analysis - why is traxler a blunder?#1

In this game, why is ...4.Bc5 a blunder according to the engine? i mean, its the traxler right? its not a "blunder" [Event "Rated Rapid game"] [Site ""] [Date "2019.11.19"]…

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Crazyhouse World Championship - 1+0 CWC#254

I'm in

General Chess Discussion - seriously??#11

@lurarose yeah. on I was thinking of a lobby were people can also choose to play with bots so there would be a 'bot lobby' accessible by non-bot players. and maybe even bot and human tournaments.

Lichess Feedback - Q@A#4

whatdaya mean

Lichess Feedback - ios app REPEATEDLY shows its my opponents turn, until I suddenly LOSE for “leaving the game” HELP#4

this sometimes happens but I've won a superblitz game against a opponent rated 1500 by refreshing the screen consistently.
