
Search "user:jojojigital"

4 forum posts
Lichess Antichess - What is the most played antichess variant?#1

I like antichess, but sometimes I have a hard time finding an opponent. What is the most played variant, like where (5+3 or so) are the most players?

Lichess Feedback - Wildcard for finding a new opponent#5

Is it possible to see the size of the different queues, so I could wait for an opponent in the most played variant/biggest queues?

Lichess Feedback - Wildcard for finding a new opponent#3

Thank you for pointing to the GitHub issue. That helps.

Lichess Feedback - Wildcard for finding a new opponent#1

Hi, I like antichess, but there are not many opponents. I feel indifferent regarding game time and increment. Is it possible to find an opponent/new game using a wildcard like: New game -> antichess -…
