
Search "user:bluezorro251"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Congratulations Gukesh!#12

minutes for first 40 moves, 60 moves, 80 moves, 100 moves: 2024 Candidates: 120, 160, 170, 180 2023 Tata Steel: 120, 180, 205, 215 2022 Candidates: 120, 180, 205, 215 Candidates Tournament 2022 The ti…

Community Blog Discussions - Calculating the Sharpness of Different Players#14

The repeat capture measure can be easily calculated directly from a PGN file. But the difference between games in this metric is subtle. Sharpness in chess is not well defined. Maybe complicated is a …

General Chess Discussion - Congratulations Gukesh!#9

Congrats to Gukesh on the well-earned victory. A fun tournament to watch, although the players running short on time was weird. There was time pressure even after reaching move 40, with many mistakes …

Community Blog Discussions - Calculating the Sharpness of Different Players#12

I like the concept of a sharpness number for a given chess position. Edge cases: 0. A position with 100% draw chances has zero sharpness. 1. A position with 100% winning chances for one player has zer…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month February - Contest#77

The Frozen Queen This game was different. I don't often get to host an enemy Queen for over a dozen moves. In this positional game, the White Queen grabs a pawn, but is trapped behind enemy lines. The…

General Chess Discussion - Keeping the median ratings at 1500#9

Interesting. The rating is a relative measure. If everyone gets better, no one gets a better rating. There is no objective standard to measure against.
