
Search "user:basmati94"

18 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - can you actually play with your nose on a tournament??#5

It snot the worst idea

General Chess Discussion - Let's chat about lichess puzzles vs. and share tactic practice resources.#10

@Geelse_zot said in #4: > I prefer the puzzles on Lichess, especially when it comes to speed solving. > Chesscom has way too many backrank patterns in their speed puzzles. It started to annoy me after…

Off-Topic Discussion - Continue the story 2!#28

only to realise that actually he'd defeated

Off-Topic Discussion - make me laugh#15

what did the apple say to the banana? nothing because apples can't talk

Lichess Feedback - Mouse Drops The Piece.#2

mice aren't very good at holding chess pieces. Invest in a cat, they have the paws to ensure that bishop makes it to f6

General Chess Discussion - Opinion: getting annoyed because your opponent refuses to resign is a sign of arrogance#7

I once won a game with a rook and a king against my opponent's queen, two bishops and one or two pawns because he allowed me to trap his king on the backrow whilst he was shepherding pawns down the bo…

General Chess Discussion - Am I dreaming or what??#8

I get you thought the humans may have made an error but for some reason you thought that Gukesh would have to give up a queen for a bishop and the computer only had that as a 2.8 advantage for Magnus.

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General Chess Discussion - when was lichess made???#6

at the dawn of time legend has it Adam and Eve got kicked out the Garden of Eden because they lost a rook ending to a yucca plant

Lichess Feedback - Losing on time when opponent doesn't have enough material to checkmate#6

Doesn't it depend on whether a theoretical mate can be woven? Say, if you promote to a bishop then you have your king on h8, bishop on h7 and knight on g8 whilst your opponent's king is on f8 and your…
